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Spiders in Russia: what are common and rare representatives of the fauna

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The territory of Russia is vast and rich. It has fertile fields, rich forests and luxurious steppes. All sorts of animals and insects live in them. There are also a large number of spiders and arachnids here, which instill fear in people and are of great benefit.

General description of spiders

Spiders of any size and species have a common structure and features. They have:

  • three spider warts;
    Spider structure.

    Spider structure.

  • eight legs;
  • cephalothorax;
  • abdomen;
  • extraintestinal digestion;
  • decent appetite.

Types of spiders in Russia

All spiders are divided into several types according to the degree of their toxicity. They can be poisonous or harmless. But there are also average individuals that can be considered conditionally dangerous and cause harm only in case of self-defense.

Safe spiders

A number of harmless spiders include those that are insect hunters and do not concern people at all. They can live in the neighborhood, but even if they bite, they do no harm.

Although these types of spiders are very fond of settling next to people, they only scare. These species are always small in size, with long legs and gray-brown in color. They weave webs in outbuildings, cellars and trees. In the center of the funnel web there is always a female waiting for her prey.
A large family weaves their net between the branches of bushes and trees, in the grass or abandoned places. The web is very beautiful, lacy, dense and at the same time very plastic. This family is good hunters, they eat insects, invertebrates and small vertebrates en masse. They bite a person, but the portion of poison is small for tangible harm.
A large family of spiders that are common throughout Russia. Among them there are small, almost tiny individuals and those whose size reaches 2-3 cm. A distinctive feature of the Agriope Brünnich spider is stripes of yellow, white and black. Spiders of this species bite people, but do not attack first. In rare cases, after a bite, the bite does not subside for some time
There are quite a lot of them on the territory of Russia, more than in other countries. They have an unusual web, long threads are rare, but aimed at certain victims. They have long legs for protection. When danger approaches, the spider folds and stretches like a twig. And if you touch them, they will fall and run away.

Dangerous Representatives

In this list, those individuals that have toxic poison. The bite of these spiders can bring unpleasant consequences, so medications must be used to neutralize the poison.

A large family of cross spiders from representatives of orb weavers, for the most part, are still dangerous. They have a distinctive feature - a pattern in the form of a cross on the abdomen. They often have large stores of food in their nets. This is probably one of the smallest, but common spiders, neighbors and helpers of people.
These are vagrant individuals that roam the territory of Russia. They are nocturnal and have an inconspicuous color. He hunts animals while waiting. When an insect touches a spider's leg, it will attack and bite. This family also carries a danger to people. The bite leaves pain and itching that lasts for several days.
This family is considered one of the most dangerous. A bite of a karakurt can be fatal and there have been cases of death in people who did not seek medical help in a timely manner. Although this type of spider loves warmth, due to climate change, it has already reached the middle lane.
These are wandering spiders that do not build webs, but roam the territory and surroundings. It bites painfully, but usually prefers to run away from danger. But if a collision has occurred, then you need to seek help, the bite can be toxic.

Spiders in the regions of Russia

There are more than 3000 species of spiders on a vast territory. They have features, adaptability to certain conditions.

In the Urals

Nature Ural region allows many species of spiders to exist. There are places near the mountains with shelters and lowlands. It is not uncommon to meet wandering loners and wolves.

Here you can find:

Spiders of Russia.

Flower spider side walker.

Spiders in Crimea

Warm climate Crimean peninsula is comfortable for various animals. Spiders in some places even live in colonies. People who have arachnids in their neighbors need to be careful.

Spiders of Russia.

Black Widow.

There are:

Territory of Siberia

Under harsh climate of Siberia must adapt to the conditions of life. therefore, spiders are often found near people, climbing into houses and outbuildings in search of food and shelter. For warmth, they make their way into shoes, clothes and even bedding.

Spiders of Russia.

Silver spider.

You may notice:

Spiders in different regions

If the spider got into the house

Most often, people are not happy with eight-legged guests. They do not cause pleasant feelings, but hostility, some even horror. Therefore, when a spider enters a dwelling, people try to drive them out very quickly. Due to incorrect actions, there is a risk of being bitten.

The Slavs have long had a special relationship with spiders. They associated various phenomena and beliefs with them. Why spiders appear in the house - read here.

How to deal with a spider:

  1. Determine if possible kind of spider. To understand further actions, is the guest dangerous.
  2. Try to catch the animal, but not with your bare hands.
  3. If a spider is found on clothes or on the body, throw it off, but do not make sudden movements.
  4. If a person has been bitten, monitor him in order to provide medical assistance in a timely manner.

Spiders pets

Are you afraid of spiders?
Spider breeding is a new fad that is coming into fashion. Such animals in the house are unusual, because cats and dogs are familiar to everyone. They are unpretentious, do not take up much space and are interesting to watch.

They can live anywhere in the country, in a large house or one room. Such animals do not disturb the family and do not make noise. It is chosen by people who do not show particular tenderness, because this animal cannot be squeezed in your arms.

But there are a number of requirements that will be followed by those who decide to get an exotic. Help with the choice of a pet and the conditions for its cultivation will help this article.


There are a lot of spiders in Russia. They can be found in fields, on tree branches and even in water. Often they are noticed in dwellings and places where food is stored. They inspire fear and can bite, but they are of great benefit in their activity - they regulate the number of insects.

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