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Tramp spider: photo and description of a dangerous animal

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Most spiders that live in homes and around people are harmless and do no harm. But the vagrant family is called dangerous house spiders. They live near people and can do harm.

Tramp spider: photo

Description of the hobo spider

Name: Tramp spider
Latin: Eratigena agrestis

Class: Arachnida - Arachnida
Spiders - Araneae

Habitats:dry steppes, fields
Dangerous for:insects and small arachnids
Attitude towards people:bite painfully

The tramp spider got its name from its way of life. He practically does not weave a web, one might say he does not have his own house. This species hunts, sitting in thickets or grass, ambushes also attack its prey.

Therefore, there is a high probability of suffering from a bite - accidentally preventing him from hunting. And meet him in the outskirts Southern Ocean impossible.


Males are 7-13 mm in size, females are larger - up to 16,5 mm. The span of the legs is not more than 50 mm.


The body and legs are brown, on the belly there are marks of yellow and dark brown.

Place of distribution

The vagrant spider is common in a number of countries and regions. He is met:

  • European countries;
  • North America;
  • western Pacific;
  • Central Asia.

In Russia, the spider is distributed almost everywhere in the Central and Southern regions. But he can most often be found in the fields, he does not move to live with people.

Habitat and reproduction

Tramp spider.

Tramp spider in the house.

Tramps prepare webs to create offspring closer to autumn. It spreads horizontally along the soil surface. You can meet the place of residence near the walls, fences and trees.

In autumn, the spider lays its eggs in a cocoon. The animal reliably hides its future offspring from predators and from low temperatures. In the spring, at a stable warm temperature, the spiderlings begin to hatch.

Tramp spider bite

Research on the toxicity and virulence of the vagrant is still ongoing. The bite is toxic, affects tissues. In terms of bite strength, it is similar to a mosquito, but after a while blisters and even abscesses appear.

Tramp spider.


Additional symptoms will be:

  • nausea;
  • headache;
  • fatigue;
  • deterioration of vision;
  • temporary memory loss.

Tramp spiders are more aggressive towards humans because they have very poor eyesight. This is how they defend themselves.

Differences between the hermit and other spiders

The tramp spider is similar to some other species. It has an inconspicuous appearance and therefore it can be confused with a hermit, karakurt or an ordinary house spider. So, an individual will definitely not be a vagrant if:

  • 3-4 light spots on the chest;
  • clear stripes in front of the paws;
  • he is brilliant;
  • has no hair;
  • has drawings on the paws;
  • vertical and sticky web.


A small inconspicuous tramp spider does not touch people first. He prefers to sit in ambush and wait for prey, attacking it unexpectedly. Only at a chance meeting, when a person is dangerous to an animal, does he attack first.

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