Rare ladybug spider: tiny but very brave

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Anyone who has ever seen a black eresus will definitely not be able to confuse it with other spiders. This rare species is listed in the Red Book of the Nizhny Novgorod and Tambov regions and is protected in reserves. 

What does the erezus spider look like: photo

Description of the spider Erasus

Name: Eresus or Black Fathead
Latin: Eresus collari

Class: Arachnida - Arachnida
Spiders - Araneae
Eresidae - Eresidae

Habitats:dry steppes and deserts
Dangerous for:insects and small arachnids
Attitude towards people:do not harm, but bite painfully
Are you afraid of spiders?
The size of the female individual is from 8 to 18 mm. The body is compact and rounded with short thick legs. Color velvety black. There are small light hairs. In males, the body length is from 6 to 8 mm. The color is very bright. The cephalothorax is black with sparse light hairs. The hairs are the basis of white narrow rings.

The belly has a rounded shape. At the top, it is painted bright red. There are 4 black spots in this area that look like a button. The bottom and sides are black. The rear two pairs of paws may be spotted with red.


Erezus black live in the steppes and deserts. They prefer grassy sunny dry places with sparse vegetation. They can also be found on chalk slopes. Very common:

  • in the European forest-steppe;
  • in the west of Siberia;
  • in Central Asia;
  • in the center of Russia;
  • in the south of the Urals;
  • in the Caucasus.
Surprise at work. Black Eresus is an endangered, rare species of venomous spider🕷🕷🕷.

Diet and lifestyle

The Eresus spider leads a secretive life and rarely appears on the surface of the earth. They can occupy the dwelling of beetles, but they are also able to dig a deep hole themselves. The nest is a spider web tube located in the ground. Mostly black eresus lives in a hole. The females are in the shelter all the time. Only juveniles and adult males emerge from the burrows during the mating season.

The webs are a web for the victim. Future food gets there and sticks, which the female catches and prepares for eating. Arthropods feed on:

Life cycle

Black eresus spider.

Black eresus spider.

The males leave their burrows in search of a mate. The courtship period takes place over several hours. The males are dancing. At the same time, they form a protein liquid, which leads the female to a catalyptic state. Pedipalps carry seminal fluid into the genital opening.

If there are several males, a duel begins. 2 months after fertilization, males live in burrows with females. The female is engaged in the manufacture of a cocoon. There can be about 80 eggs in a cocoon.

The female weaves the skin of insects, grass, leaves into a cocoon to disguise it. During the day, she warms him under the bright rays of the sun, and at night she takes him to shelter. The life expectancy of a female is 1,5 years, and a male is 8 months.

Eresus bites

The poison of the Eresus spider is considered strong and dangerous. The spider kills its prey in seconds. For humans, the bite is very painful, but not fatal. The spider stings painfully, injects a large portion of poison.

Eresus black.

Black fathead.

The symptoms of a bite are: 

  • sharp pain;
  • swelling;
  • numbness of the bite site;
  • strong pain.


Eresus is the original arthropod species. In many countries, its numbers are very small. Therefore, meeting with the Black Fathead is a real success. If you don't touch him, he won't attack. This small arachnid can be admired from the side and left to do its own thing.

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