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What does a black widow look like: neighborhood with the most dangerous spider

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Most people are afraid of spiders, even if they have never encountered one. This is due to their intimidating appearance and the presence of toxic substances. A bite can lead to serious consequences. It's about black widow.

Black Widow: photo

Description of black widow

Name: Black Widow
Latin: Latrodectus mactans

Class: Arachnida - Arachnida
Spiders - Araneae
Teneter - Theridiidae

Habitats:dark corners, cracks
Dangerous for:flies, mosquitoes
Attitude towards people:harmless, harmless

The Black Widow is a spider with a certain reputation. She is always alone engaged in construction and offspring.

females are dark brown or shiny black. The adult has an orange or reddish hourglass on the underbelly. Some species have only a couple of red spots, some are completely absent. Occasionally there are representatives of a pale brown color.
Males have red, yellow, white markings on the upper side of the abdomen. They are smaller than females. The average size is from 3 to 10 mm. The largest female individuals reach 13 mm. The limbs of an arthropod significantly exceed the size of the body. In males, the abdomen is smaller and the legs are longer, in comparison.


The black widow lives on almost all continents. The exception is Antarctica.

Species ratio

There are 13 species in North and South America, 8 in Eurasia, 8 in Africa, and 3 in Australia.

Distribution in Russia

In the Russian Federation, spiders settle down mainly in the Azov, Black Sea, Astrakhan regions, as well as in Kalmykia. 

Meeting point

Spiders prefer dark and untouched places. Favorite places are small holes and the underside of ledges. Indoors, they hide only from frost or drought.

The black widow diet

Spiders often build a dwelling next to the grounds. They have enough food here, they help fight pests. The arthropod feeds on:

  • cockroaches;
  • beetles;
  • flies;
  • mosquitoes;
  • grasshoppers;
  • caterpillars;
  • moths;
  • fire ants;
  • termites.

Usually these are victims caught in the web. In rare cases, a spider can eat a mouse, lizard, snake, scorpion.

Often, the black widow hangs upside down at the level of the middle of the web, waiting for prey. Next, the spider injects poison, poisoning the victim and wraps it in silk. After that, it pierces small holes on the body of the prey and sucks out the liquid.

The black widow does not see well and recognizes prey by vibration.


Spiders do not tend to weave beautiful webs. The web is presented in the form of an elastic weave of coarse, sticky, thick threads. It consists of 3 rows:

  • supporting threads at the top;
  • ball weaves of threads in the center;
  • sticky liquid traps attached to the surface of the earth.

Black widow lifestyle

Spider black widow: photo.

Male black widow.

Arthropods are active at night. During the day, they can hide in garages, outbuildings, sheds, basements, and mouse burrows.

Spiders are not aggressive. They are capable of attacking when threatened. When caught in a trap, they pretend to be dead or hide. They prefer to bypass people, but in case of danger they bite without warning.

Why does the male have such a fate

The female spends her whole life arranging the web, patching and completing it. Males have only one role - to fertilize the female. After the process, he dies like a hero - the female eats him. Moreover, she can start eating even in the process of mating.

It all happens like this:

  1. The female builds a web, impregnates it with her pheromones, which all males hear.
    Spider widow.

    Male and female black widow.

  2. The male feels this, tries to tear the web, and mask the smell with his own, so as not to attract competitors.
  3. The female tracks him down and catches him, begins to kill. In a good scenario for the male, he manages to fertilize the young lady.
  4. It happens that the male dies before the mating process.

Life cycle

Black Widow.

Spider with cocoons.

Mating occurs in spring and summer. The female makes a laying. Usually it is 200 eggs. The female closes them with cobwebs, forming a protective bag. They hang it on a web to protect it from predators.

Spiderlings appear after 14 days. Several molts occur during maturation of the arachnid. Nutrition and temperature conditions affect the formation of spiders.

Spiders mature within 2-4 months. The life span of females is from one to two years, and males - no more than 4 months. Many die before full maturity. Even representatives of the same offspring often eat each other, being next to the mother.

Natural enemies

The bright red and orange coloration on the belly makes it clear to predators that this is unfit food. Thanks to this signal, the black widow is not touched by most vertebrates.

In the wild, some types of wasps, praying mantises, some birds, alligator lizards are enemies. The most dangerous enemy can be called the blue mud wasp, which lives in the western part of the United States.

Black widow bite

Are you afraid of spiders?
A spider can only bite in self-defense. When bitten, a small dose of poison penetrates the bloodstream and in rare cases can be fatal. Bites are dangerous for children, the elderly, people with a weak immune system.

The bite is not painful. You may not notice it right away. The first symptom is redness and slight numbness at the site of the bite.

Upon detection, immediate measures are taken to remove toxins from the body. The poison consists of alpha-latrotoxin, adenosine, guanosine, ionisine.

After 15 minutes, a person begins to feel the effects of a bite. Damage symptoms are:

  • muscle contraction;
  • the presence of two wounds;
  • headache;
  • nausea;
  • dizziness;
  • severe abdominal pain;
  • labored breathing;
  • spasm;
  • joint pain;
  • elevated temperature.

After 7-14 days, the pain decreases, but shortness of breath and dizziness may remain for another 6 months. Only the bite of an adult black widow can lead to death. If the victim is at risk, he must be observed. However, it is better not to take risks and move on to decisive action. A few tips:

  • a cold compress or ice is applied to the wound;
  • ensure the immobility of the victim;
  • call an ambulance.

In hospitals, a spider bite is treated with a dropper containing calcium gluconate and muscle relaxant substances. In particularly severe cases, a special serum is needed. It is strictly forbidden to drink alcohol so that poisonous toxins do not increase their effect.

WILL IT BITE?! - BLACK WIDOW / DEADLY SPIDER / Coyote Peterson in Russian


The black widow can be called the most famous and poisonous spider in the world. The toxicity of the venom is 15 times greater than snake venom. In this regard, care must be taken when meeting with a spider. In case of a bite, first aid is provided and the victim is taken to the hospital.

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