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Spider Steatoda Grossa - a harmless false black widow

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The black widow inspires fear in many people, they are dangerous and can harm with their bites. But she has imitators. The most similar species to the black widow is the paikulla steatoda.

What does paikulla steatoda look like: photo

Description of the spider false black widow

Name: False Widows or Steatodes
Latin: Steatoda

Class: Arachnida - Arachnida
Spiders - Araneae
Steatoda - Steatoda

Habitats:dry places, gardens and parks
Dangerous for:small insects
Attitude towards people:harmless, harmless
Spider steatoda.

Spider false widow.

Paikulla steatoda is a spider that is similar to the poisonous black widow. Its appearance and shape are similar, but there are tangible differences.

Males are 6 mm long, and females are 13 mm long. They are distinguished from each other by the size and color of the limbs. The color changes from dark brown to black. The belly with the cephalothorax are of the same length, it is ovoid in shape. The size of the chelicerae is small and has a vertical arrangement.

On a brown or black belly, there is a white or orange stripe with a light triangle. The limbs are dark brown. Males have yellow-brown stripes on their legs.

The difference between a steatoda and a black widow is a light beige pattern in young animals, a red ring around the cephalothorax in an adult, and a scarlet stripe in the center of the belly.


The paikulla steatoda prefers the Black Sea regions and the Mediterranean islands. Favorite places are dry and well-lit gardens and parks. She lives in:

  • Southern Europe;
  • North Africa;
  • Middle East;
  • Central Asia;
  • Egypt;
  • Morocco;
  • Algiers;
  • Tunisia;
  • southern part of England.


The spider is engaged in weaving a strong web, which has a hole in the middle. Usually the arthropod places it on an inclined surface among insignificant vegetation.

Are you afraid of spiders?
However, the paikulla steatoda can also hunt on the ground. This is characteristic of spiders living in the semi-desert.

They are able to attack prey that is larger than them in size. They are able to neutralize and eat even a black widow.

Spiders don't see well. They recognize their prey by the vibration in the web. Steatoda is not aggressive. It can attack a person only in case of a threat to life. Life expectancy does not exceed 6 years.

Life cycle

During the mating period, male individuals with the help of a stridulatory apparatus (stridulithroma) reproduce a sound resembling a light rustle. The frequency of sounds is 1000 Hz.

There is an assumption of arachnologists that the effect on females occurs not only with the help of sound, but also due to the release of special chemicals - pheromones. Pheromones enter the web and are felt by the female. When pre-processing the web with ether, there was complete indifference to musical flirtations.

Males make special sounds with females, as well as to scare away rivals. Females respond by clapping their forelimbs and pinching the web. The females have a trembling all over the body if she is ready to mate, and she goes towards her cavalier.
After mating, the females make a cocoon and lay eggs. The cocoon is attached from the edge on the web. During the incubation period, she protects her eggs from predators. After a month, the spiders hatch. They have no tendency to cannibalism. There are 50 individuals in one cocoon.

The spiders that appeared for the first time are with their mother. Growing up, they become independent and leave it.

Paikulla steatoda diet

Spiders feed on crickets, cockroaches, wood lice, other arthropods, long-whiskered and short-whiskered Diptera. They bite the victim, injecting poison and wait for the insides to “cook”. The arthropod then quickly eats the food.

STEATODA GROSS or false BLACK WIDOW in my house!

Paikull steatode sting

The bite of this species is not dangerous to humans. Symptoms include feeling unwell for 2-3 days and having blisters on the skin. Pain intensifies in the first hour after the bite. Nausea, headache, weakness may occur.

More than 5 days symptoms do not appear. In medicine, this concept is called steatodism - a less severe form of latrodectism. Spider venom has a neurotropic effect. It has little effect even on mammals. It is often compared to a bee sting.

First aid for a bite

Although the false black widow bites very rarely, if it is pinned down or accidentally disturbed, it will certainly respond with a lunge. Unpleasant symptoms will be felt immediately, but they are not dangerous. When bitten, to alleviate the condition, you must:

Paikulla steatoda.

False widow.

  • wash the wound with antibacterial soap;
  • apply ice or a cold compress to the affected area;
  • take an antihistamine;
  • drink plenty of fluids to remove toxins from the body.


Paikulla steatoda is considered one of the brightest and most original spiders. Despite the resemblance to the poisonous black widow, the arthropod does not harm humans. His bite does not lead to serious consequences.

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  1. Alexander

    Found it on the wall of my kitchen. Snapped, then slammed. Creepy creature. And this is in central Russia.

    2 years ago
    • Anna Lutsenko

      Good afternoon!

      A bold decision, although the spider is not poisonous to humans.

      2 years ago
  2. Hope

    This steatoda bit my sister in Khmilnyk yesterday. She came to visit her mother-in-law, helped install the chicken net and pressed this creature to the ground. It’s a pity that you can’t attach a photo of a reddened palm, he says, as if he was shocked by the current. I anointed with ointment from insect bites and today it is almost gone. Saboteur…

    2 years ago
  3. Angela

    We have these creatures in our apartment in Vladivostok, of course there are cockroaches in the house, so they harachat them. A terrible sight, poisoning with dichlorvos helps well, bit me once, as if it had been burned with nettles, and a blister came out

    2 years ago
  4. Olga

    Found in the kitchen. It's not pleasant, a young individual ... It's north in St. Petersburg ... Where from?

    2 years ago
    • Arthur

      There is also one in the Tver region, last year they found it on the site with my daughter. Maybe they are migrating, I don't know. I heard that karakurts are also found further north than usual. But I did not meet them there, thank God. There were wolf spiders and this beauty in one copy.

      1 year ago
  5. Anna

    Georgievsk, Stavropol Territory. I often meet at the dacha. They climb into the house. Unpleasant, to put it mildly. And after the descriptions of the bite, it’s not at all comfortable.
    I don’t bully anyone - there are mice, ants, snails, snakes, hedgehogs - they all live nearby. But these spiders! - just darken everything, it's scary. How can you get rid of them?!

    1 year ago
  6. Novoshchinskaya

    And I had a similar case happened, on the 1st course. I lived in Krasnodar, I found this behind the sink, near the crack between the floor and the wall. The place being viewed. I myself am not afraid of spiders, but here is such an instance. She called him Gosha. Since the winter she fed different midges (no one wanted to fly there). I thought I fed him, the tummy was rounded. And then, one fine month of heat, Gosha gave birth ... I had to evict them on a broom in a flower garden outside.

    1 year ago
  7. Alexandra

    I'm glad that this spider can eat a black widow. So let him be better than a real karakurt.

    1 year ago
  8. Dimon

    Today, by chance, in the kitchen I discovered such a spider on a jellied bowl, not knowing what kind of spider it was, I decided to flush it down the toilet. Once I pressed the flush, I see it swims up, second, time, third. I watch a persistent spider, trying to escape and get out of the toilet.

    1 year ago
  9. Elina

    So are these steatodes or karakurts? 😑 I took two small brooms out of the house in the summer, then one larger one was executed with a gas cylinder after much thought. I sat in a place where it was impossible to reach or at least see normally. They thought it was a black widow, they decided not to risk it, to burn it quickly and without torment. But the web flared up and the spider was thrown to no one knows where. Scorched all the cracks within a radius of two meters, to be sure. And now they saw it again, only not black anymore, but more brown. It's a pity to kill, but I don't want to die either. Okay, my husband and I, and the children are small😑 and it’s silly to find out if this is a karakurt or a steatoda sitting .. North Ossetia

    1 year ago

Without Cockroaches
