Silver water spider: in water and on land

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Spiders exist everywhere. They can live in grass, in holes in the ground, or even in trees. But there is one type of spider that lives in the aquatic environment. This species is called a water spider or silverfish.

What does silver look like: photo


Description of the silver spider

Name: Silver spider or water spider
Latin: Argyroneta aquatica

Class: Arachnida - Arachnida
Spiders - Araneae
Cybeid spiders - Cybaeidae

Habitats:stagnant reservoirs
Dangerous for:insects and small amphibians
Attitude towards people:bite painfully, very rarely

Of the more than 40000 spiders, only the silverfish is adapted to life in the water. The name of the species is taken from the peculiarity - a spider, when immersed in water, it looks like silver. Due to the fatty substance that the spider produces and covers with which its hairs, it remains under water and is forced out. He is a frequent visitor to stagnant waters.

The species has another difference from others - males are larger than females, which rarely happens.


The abdomen is brown in color and covered with thick velvety hairs. There are black lines and spots on the cephalothorax.


The length of the male is about 15 mm, and the females grow up to 12 mm. There is no cannibalism after mating.


Small prey gets into the underwater web of the spider, which it catches and hangs in the nest.

Reproduction and habitation

The spider prepares its nest underwater. It is filled with air and attached to various objects. Its size is small, like a hazelnut. But sometimes silverfish can live in empty snail shells. By the way, female and male individuals often coexist, which is rare.

Silver spider.

Water spider.

The method of filling the nest with air is also unusual:

  1. The spider emerges to the surface.
  2. Spreads arachnoid warts to take in air.
  3. Dives quickly, leaving a layer of air on the belly and a bubble at the tip.
  4. Near the nest, he uses his hind legs to move this bubble into the building.

To raise offspring, water spiders prepare a cocoon with air near their own nest and guard it.

Relationship between silverwomen and people

Spiders rarely touch people and very few attacks have been recorded. Only if a person accidentally takes out an animal with a fish, he attacks in self-defense. From a bite:

  • there is a sharp pain;
  • burning;
  • swelling of the bite site;
  • tumor;
  • nausea;
  • weakness;
  • headache;
  • temperature.

These symptoms last for several days. Taking antihistamines will ease the condition and speed up recovery.


At home, the silver spider is bred as a pet. It is interesting to watch him, he easily breeds in captivity. All you need is an aquarium, plants and good nutrition.

On land, the spider moves as actively as in water. But he also swims well, he can chase prey. Catches small fish and invertebrates.

A complete guide to choosing pets and raising them at home here to register:.


Silverfish is the only spider that lives in the water. But it also moves well and actively on the ground surface. It is rarely seen, more by chance. But when breeding, these spiders are rather non-capricious and at the same time funny.

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