Cockroach bites

6 minutes. for reading

Cockroaches have been living on Earth for more than 200 million years, predating even the appearance of humans and dinosaurs. Over this long period of time, these insects became almost omnivores. Unlike many other types of parasites, cockroaches do not care what they eat: they are able to feed on food, wood, fabric, soap, paper and even dust. In addition, they will not refuse the opportunity to eat human skin and sweat, especially considering that these insects often settle in rooms near people.

Do cockroaches bite?

On the one hand, cockroaches do not show increased aggressiveness, and if they have enough food, they do not show interest in attacking people. However, when hungry, cockroaches can begin to bite a person, because, despite the absence of teeth or stings, they have powerful mandibles that can pinch off a piece of skin. Although cockroaches cannot bite through skin, they can inflict painful bites. Sometimes they also make their way into the ears, which can cause further concern.

Since cockroaches are afraid of humans, they usually attack only at night when people are sleeping. They most often choose children as victims because the smell of a child is more attractive to them, and their thin skin is more accessible to bites.

It is especially important to exercise caution around infants, as cockroach bites can pose a serious risk to them due to their weak immune systems and thin skin.

Why do cockroaches bite humans?

Why can cockroaches be mistaken for biting a person? Despite the fact that these insects are usually not aggressive and try to avoid contact with people, there are certain circumstances in which they decide to take such actions.

The main causes of cockroach bites include:

  1. Lack of food and water.
  2. Insufficiently effective disinsection.
  3. Excessive number of individuals in the room.

In cases where cockroaches find it difficult to survive due to a lack of resources, they may decide to take risks and attack humans. In addition to food (pieces of epidermis), these insects can find moisture on the human body, such as sweat, tears and other body fluids.

What areas of the body are most often affected by cockroach bites?

  • Hands and fingers.
  • Feet and legs.
  • Nose.
  • Mouth.
  • Nails
  • Eye, eyelid and skin around it.
  • Ear, auricle and auditory canal.

In these areas, more liquids usually accumulate, which attracts cockroaches. If the population of these insects in an indoor environment is too high, they may infest furniture such as sofas and beds to bite sleeping people. This is especially likely if the sleeping area is not kept clean enough and there are food crumbs and other food debris attractive to cockroaches.

How to recognize cockroach bites?

Due to the characteristics of the cockroach’s oral cavity, its bite is a small lacerated wound with a diameter of approximately 3-5 mm. When many bites are concentrated, they may appear as one large skin lesion.

The nature of a cockroach bite may also resemble the appearance of a red or pink pimple. As healing progresses, a transparent crust forms, under which lymph and blood accumulate.

In addition to aesthetic problems, cockroach bites can have more serious consequences. We will look at them in more detail below.

Why are cockroach bites dangerous?

A cockroach bite can cause serious harm to the physical condition of the body.

Here are the main consequences of cockroach bites:

  1. Itching and need to scratch the bite site.
  2. Pain.
  3. Irritation caused by dirt and dust getting into the wound.
  4. Possibility of infection.
  5. Risk of allergic reactions.

Each person's reaction to the bites of these insects is individual. Some people experience no consequences, while others experience severe bites.

How to determine that it was a cockroach that bit you and not another insect? Let's look at the characteristic signs of a cockroach bite:

  1. Small semicircular redness, similar to scars.
  2. Swelling.
  3. Inflammation.
  4. Itching.

People with increased sensitivity may also experience swelling in the area of ​​the bite.

This problem requires serious attention, since cockroaches are carriers of various infections, such as tuberculosis and hepatitis, and also carry worm eggs. Infection does not always occur through bites. Often it is enough to consume food or water that these insects come into contact with. In the next section, we'll look at what to do if you're bitten by a cockroach.

What to do after a cockroach bite?

In some cases, a person may not even feel that he has been bitten by a cockroach. Someone may ignore the wound, believing that it will heal on its own. However, you should not neglect treating the bite site, even if the cockroach only bit you once. It is necessary to treat the bite as soon as possible to avoid possible infection, which can lead to swelling and inflammation.

Let us briefly describe the procedure for dealing with a cockroach bite:

  1. Wash the wound with warm water and an antibacterial cleanser and pat dry with a towel or paper towel.
  2. Treat the bite with a product containing alcohol, such as cosmetic lotion, calendula or hawthorn tincture. You can also use a cotton swab soaked in regular alcohol.
  3. Disinfect the bite site with an antiseptic such as levomekol, miramistin, chlorhexidine, tetracycline or decasan. You can use a damp cloth or treat the wound with hydrogen peroxide.
  4. If you have an allergic reaction to a cockroach bite, take an antihistamine such as Suprastin, Claritin, or Diazolin.
  5. If the wound is very itchy, use antipruritic agents, for example, fenistil or cynovitis in the form of a cream.
  6. You can also use folk remedies such as baking soda solution, boric acid or cold compresses. However, it is not recommended to use brilliant green or iodine.

These measures are usually highly effective. If the wound heals slowly and signs of inflammation appear, consult a dermatologist.

It is also worth remembering that a cockroach larva can penetrate the wound and begin to parasitize under the skin. This is rare, but if a painful raised red spot appears, you should consult a specialist. Do not try to remove the larva yourself!

If a cockroach gets into your ear, seeing a doctor is also mandatory. It is not recommended to scratch the wound to avoid possible infection. After treating the bite, it is recommended to cover it with a paper bandage, but not for long, so that the skin can breathe and remain dry.

How to prevent cockroach bites?

There are a number of traditional methods of fighting cockroaches, but none of them guarantee complete protection. The main trick is to keep the house clean and tidy, as well as avoid leaving food on the table. However, even with strict adherence to these rules, cockroaches can appear, even in people leading a healthy and tidy lifestyle. Their voracious nature means that they can find food even in very well-kept homes.

Because cockroaches are attracted to odors, including those coming from unclean skin, it is important to shower regularly. It is recommended to do this every night, especially before bed. You can also use special creams, gels or sprays that repel cockroaches. Some people use special pencils to treat the floor around their sleeping area, although the effectiveness of this method is disputed.

Another method is to sleep with the light on, but many people find this uncomfortable. In addition, such practices may have negative effects on human health.

Do Cockroaches Bite? Why Would A Cockroach Bite You?

Frequently Asked Questions

How to recognize a cockroach bite?

You can determine that you were bitten by a cockroach based on several characteristic signs. Since this insect does not have a stinger, but uses mandible jaws, its bite appears as a small laceration on the skin. Typically, such a wound has a semicircular shape and is accompanied by severe itching, swelling and inflammation.

What are the possible consequences of a cockroach bite?

Cockroach bites can cause serious problems, as these insects carry various infections and parasites, which can lead to various diseases. In addition, they can cause allergic reactions. If you are bitten by a cockroach, it is important to immediately wash and treat the wound to prevent possible complications.

How to get rid of cockroach bites?

There are many methods of controlling cockroaches, but professional pest control is considered the most effective. This approach ensures complete destruction of insects indoors.

Where do cockroaches bite most often?

The article provides a list of the main places where cockroaches most often bite. This primarily includes the ear, eye, nose, mouth, hands, feet, etc. It is important to note that cockroaches can bite the skin anywhere else, although the likelihood of this may vary.

Types of CockroachesDisinfection against cockroaches
The next
Types of CockroachesWhat do cockroaches eat?

Without Cockroaches
