Poisonous spiders of Russia: which arthropods are best avoided

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On the territory of Russia you can find many different spiders. Some of them do not pose any danger. However, some species are poisonous. Their bite can even be fatal.

Spiders in Russia

The area of ​​the country is huge and has a varied landscape and climate. But due to weather anomalies, some tropical individuals also appeared in Russia.

Spiders are poisonous in Russia with their bite. It is better to bypass them, do not touch the cobwebs and minks. Often the most inconspicuous and gray individuals are poisonous.

In the Russian Federation, there are about 30 varieties of crosses. Arthropods prefer forests, gardens, parks, abandoned buildings. The body length reaches 40 mm. Spiders are very industrious. Every 2-3 days they get rid of the old web in order to weave it again. The bite is characterized by burning and short-term malaise.
Habitats - Rostov and Volgograd regions. Recently, the arthropod has appeared in Bashkortostan. The spider does not exceed 15 mm in length. He is very aggressive and attacks quickly. When bitten, a sharp and stabbing pain is felt.
This is an underwater variety. Habitats - Caucasus, Siberia, Far East. On land, silver spiders are selected very rarely to receive the next portion of oxygen. The web is the gills. The size of the spider is 15 mm. He is not aggressive. May attack if life is threatened. The poison is not very toxic. Pain may remain for several days after the bite.
The color of females makes them look like wasps. Habitat - the southern regions of the Russian Federation. However, recently they can be found even in the northern regions. The size does not exceed 15 mm. The bite is painful. Symptoms include itching and swelling. No serious effects were observed.
The second name of the South Russian tarantula. Body length up to 30 mm. Habitats - the southern regions of the Russian Federation and Siberia. The spider digs a hole at a distance of 40 cm from the surface of the earth and weaves a web at the entrance. The spider is not aggressive. Rarely attacks people. Its bite is very painful. The poison quickly penetrates into the blood. This causes swelling and yellowing of the skin. Lethal cases have not been recorded.
Spiders live in the Caucasus, as well as in the southern regions and the Black Sea zone. Habitat - gardens, kitchen gardens, garages, buildings. The color and shape of the body are similar to the famous black widow. False widow - the second name of the steatoda. Steatoda venom is not particularly toxic. Usually, when bitten, there is a burning pain and blisters. The person has a fever. Symptoms may persist for several days.
This spider resembles a ladybug. It lives in regions from Siberia to Rostov. He chooses a hole for himself and almost does not come out of it. Females leave the mink to warm their cocoons. Black eresus bites infrequently. Usually only in self-defense. When bitten, there is severe pain. The affected area becomes numb.
Karakurt belongs to the most dangerous species of arthropods. Lives in many regions of the Russian Federation. A large number is noted in Altai, the Urals, in the Rostov region. Body size about 30 mm. The poison is very toxic. Poisonous substances can kill large animals. Interestingly, dogs are not afraid of this poison. In people with a bite, there is severe pain throughout the body, shortness of breath, vomiting, heart palpitations. If help is not provided, a person can die.

First aid for a spider bite

The bite of spiders from the selection below can bring trouble and even be dangerous. They cause a rash, allergies, numbness of the bite site. A few tips on how to alleviate the condition:

  • apply ice or a cold compress;
  • take antihistamines;
  • drink large amounts of liquid to remove toxins;
  • wash the bite site with antibacterial soap;
  • with worsening symptoms, see a doctor.


There are much fewer poisonous spiders on the territory of Russia than in the countries of Africa, Australia, North and South America. Only some of the species are able to attack first. It is worth remembering that in case of a bite, first aid must be provided.

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