Types of insects: what you need to know about the numerous representatives of the species

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Insects are constant companions of people. They are presented in a huge variety, more than a million species. They are found almost everywhere, except for the coldest regions.

Who are insects

Insects are a class of invertebrate arthropods that have a body with chitin. They differ in structure, shape, size and lifestyle.


Life cycle.

All of them go through a life cycle with complete or incomplete transformation. The cycle of complete transformation consists of 4 stages:

  • egg;
  • larva;
  • pupa;
  • adult individual (imago).

In an incomplete cycle, there is no pupal stage.

Body structureThree sections: head, thorax and abdomen. Each segment has its own part.
ExoskeletonOuter dense cut of the body and limbs with chitin. There are growths, a spike, folds, hairs.
ColorsDiverse. They can be structural, bright, metallic, with patterns and stripes.
HeadWith antennae, mouth limbs, organs of vision.
ChestConsists of three segments, legs with knees and a hip are attached.
WingsTwo pairs, with a frame and thin fabric, are reinforced with veins.
AbdomenConsists of a number of segments with appendages.

Types of insects

Insects are the most numerous members of the animal class. In the selection are some of the species that are the most common and often found.

These are small egg-shaped bugs with a small head and a short body. Insects are twofold - useful killers of garden insects and carriers of diseases or infections.
Parasitic insects that live in the skin of humans and humans. They carry a large number of diseases, cannot live long without food.
Various representatives of flying Diptera. Widespread, but prefer warm climates. They harm, bite and carry disease.
Blood-sucking insects that can also feed on plant debris, but drink blood for reproduction. Common, carriers of infection and sting painfully and cause itching.
A large detachment of blood-sucking parasites that live on various mammals. They bite, itch, and carry disease.
A large family of Hymenoptera, but do not use wings as unnecessary. A clear hierarchy and a certain role for everyone is a distinctive feature.
The oldest creatures with an extraordinary ability to survive and adapt to different conditions. Pests, carriers of diseases and infections.

The role of insects in life

In nature, everything is connected and harmoniously arranged. Therefore, each insect has a specific role. It doesn't always work for people.

Harmful insects

Depending on the lifestyle, there are insects that bring only harm. They can feed on human waste products, plant juices and fruits. Here are some examples:

  • whitefly. The little white flies are actually noxious pests in large numbers;
  • goldtail. A pest of fruit trees, the hairy caterpillar is also harmful;
  • silverfish. Insects that spoil stocks, paper products, products. They don't bite people.

Relatively harmful

This is a series of insects that can act in two ways. They are often harmful, but also useful in their way of life. So, the most striking examples of this are harmful insects that can bite or sting people, but at the same time protect the site from pests:

  • mosquito. An insect similar to a mosquito and also feeds on blood. But it processes organic matter, thereby enriching the soil;
  • scolopendra. They bite painfully and cause irritation. But they hunt flies, mosquitoes and fleas;
  • crickets. Relatively safe vegetarians, which can ruin the harvest if they are massively distributed.


Contrary to misconceptions, not all insects harm people. There are many useful inhabitants of the house and garden. Although the appearance of these bright representatives may surprise:

  • flycatcher. An unpleasant-looking insect that rarely bites and does not spoil food. Destroy a lot of small pests;
  • mantis. Predator, which helps to destroy pests on the site;
  • daphnia. Small crustaceans that live in stagnant water bodies filter the soil and are food for fish.

Differing in socialization

All insects are conditionally divided into two categories: solitary and social. According to the names, they either live on their own and interact only in the case of reproduction, or exist in a colony, family, clusters.

social insects

This includes those who live in an organized family and their own hierarchy. These species have a device and their own occupation of each family member.

Paper wasps. This species has a nest, which is built by workers, a uterus, which is responsible for reproduction, and animals that feed offspring.
Termites. They build a dwelling and live in colonies, feed on wood and pose no danger, apart from possible destruction.

solitary insects

Those that do not live in colonies or families. They prefer to live alone and not meet their own kind unnecessarily.


Insects are an integral part of nature, diverse and amazing. Among them there are individuals that harm people or are beneficial. There are disgusting in appearance and very cute. But each of these consciousnesses has its own important role.

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