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Biting arachnid scorpion: a predator with character

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For their appearance, scorpions are often confused with spiders. But they are somewhat similar, but so different. This character of many historical films still inspires fear in those who are not familiar with them.

Scorpions: photo

Description of the invertebrate

Name: Scorpions
Latin: scorpions

Class: Arachnida - Arachnida
Scorpions - Scorpions

Habitats:warm countries
Dangerous for:predator, feeds on small insects or invertebrates
Means of destruction:exile alive, kill by chemical means

Scorpion is an invertebrate representative of arachnids. The name is common for the whole species, there are about 1,5 thousand representatives of species. They differ in size and shades, but there are common indicators.

dimensionsThe length, depending on the species, varies from 1,2 to 20 cm.
ShadesDifferent species can differ in shades, from sandy to dark brown and even black.
StructureHead, cephalothorax, segmented abdomen, legs and claws.
Vision2 to 6 pairs of eyes, but vision is poor.
TailDivide into 5 parts, in the last vial of poison.
CorpuscleCovered with villi, the skeleton is waterproof.
FoodWorms, invertebrates, spiders. With a sting to introduce poison into a victim, it paralyzes.

Lifestyle features

Scorpion arachnid.

Domestic Asian scorpion.

Scorpios are typical loners. They meet with members of the opposite sex only during the mating season. Individuals of the same sex do not get along in the same territory.

Invertebrates live in deep burrows, under stones or between them in the shade hiding from the heat. Their habitat is warm countries and regions. From Asia, Africa and Australia to Southern Europe and Crimea. But there are also individuals who get along well with a person, but only on their territory, in a terrarium.

There are:

  • in a desert;
  • in the savannas;
  • tropical forests;
  • in the mountains;
  • on the coast;
  • in the woodland.

Scorpions have a large number of enemies:

  • snakes;
  • lizards;
  • hedgehogs;
  • mongooses;
  • owls;
  • scorpions are bigger.

With the help of a sting, scorpions protect themselves from them. The attack of scorpions also brings discomfort to people. In terms of strength, their sting is compared to a wasp sting, but there are about 20 species whose bites are deadly.


Scorpions insect.

Scorpion dance.

The mating season begins in the spring. The male goes out into the open area, dances, luring the female. She responds and enters the dance, while they keep their claws and tails up.

During the ritual dance, females often pierce males with a sting, even kill them. If the partner turns out to be dodgy, then he is given a chance to mate.

The female bears eggs for 12 months, already live cubs are born. They can be from 5 to 50 pieces. For the first 10 days, the female carries the babies on her back, then she carefully gets food and shares it with everyone.

Small bites are aggressive even in one nest - the mother has only to be distracted and the stronger one can gobble up the smaller and weaker one.

Unusual Features

These arachnids have several unusual features.

Blue blood

Like spiders and squids, scorpions have blue blood. This is due to the hemocyanin in the composition, a copper-based substance, which gives such a shade.

scorpion glowing

Under ultraviolet light, the body of a scorpion emits an unusual greenish shimmer. It turns out that in this way it attracts insects and mammals, future victims.

Scorpion species

There are a number of types of scorpions that have certain characteristics.

Distributed throughout North and South America. It has a large size and a thin tail. Lives under the bark of trees.
One of the few species that can live in a group. They are small but very nimble. They live in semi-damp rooms, under stones and peat.
One of the most aggressive and poisonous species. The poison is fatal to humans and causes death in 2 hours. It occurs naturally in Africa and South Asia.
A very unusual representative with a striped body. Easily adapts to different living conditions, both to heat and to moisture.

If a scorpion came to people

Scorpions are not pests in the conventional sense. But the neighborhood with them can bring unpleasant consequences. There are two options for how to protect the family from meeting with a scorpion: kill him, isolate or secure the home.

  1. The order on the site, the absence of holes and cracks in the buildings is a good prevention.
  2. Isolate the scorpion. You can try to catch the animal, with special devices or manually, but trying to protect yourself.
  3. Kill. You will need a sharp stick, a heavy object or chemicals.
  4. In areas where meetings are frequent, shoes and clothing should be checked.
Mating dance of scorpions Scorpion mating dance | ENTOMOLOGIST from rus


Scorpions for the inhabitants of Russia are more amazing creatures from a terrarium and a pet store. Some even have them as pets. But people from regions where these animals are often found try to protect themselves and their homes as much as possible.

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