Varieties of wasps: 8 types of insects with different character and disposition

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In spring, all living things awaken, trees and shrubs bloom. The wasps are waking up too. They are of little use, only some species. For the most part, they are harmful. A wide variety of species is represented by rather unusual representatives.

general description

Wasp types.

Wasps in the hive.

Wasps are a common characteristic of a number of representatives of Hymenoptera. They have a body consisting of two parts, a powerful mouth apparatus, amazing organs of vision.

All wasps have features - sting. It helps insects hunt, but at the same time they bite people and other animals. Their poison paralyzes, and in humans they can cause allergies.

Types of insects

There are a number of representatives of wasps. They differ in size, nesting methods, and the order in which the family is organized. Let's take a look at some of the common types.

Where do wasps live

Wild wasp.

Wasps are pests.

Wasps bring a lot of harm to people. They build their nests in inappropriate places, often under roofs or near balconies. They can be found in areas, under the bark and even in the soil.

Wasp wintering takes place in inaccessible places for other insects and people. It is at this time that their nests are the most vulnerable and they are destroyed.

How to remove wasp nests and stay unbitten - instruction link.


Wasps are biting neighbors known to people, which can do a lot of harm. There are many types of them. Getting to know the subspecies will help you understand who you should be afraid of and how to behave with a number of representatives.

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