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3 proven methods to get rid of ground bees

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When it comes to bees, people think of honey in their consumer mindset. But not all bees live in human hives. Some of them prefer a solitary existence. Some even live in the ground.

Description and characteristics

Ground bees are numerous representatives of the species. They differ from the usual familiar to everyone:

  • the size is smaller, up to 20 mm;
    How to get rid of earthen bees.

    Earth bee.

  • the cover is thick, a lot of fur;
  • color dark, black, green or blue;
  • live one year.

home of bees

Earth bees, as their name suggests, live in the ground. They themselves are not very willing to dig holes for themselves, often using rodent-free ones. They live in swarms and build their own dwelling, only inside. One queen starts:

  1. Finds the right place.
  2. They build a hole, make a number of rooms.
  3. Leaves are laid out at the bottom.
  4. Lay the first layer of eggs.
  5. Take care of the nutrition of the first generation.
  6. Lay nectar in special chambers.

Honey production

The bees that live in the ground remain bees. They live one season, but stock up on honey. There are a lot of people who want to get it, wild honey. The production process goes like this:

  • Bees collect nectar;
  • transfer and ferment;
  • lay in wax honeycombs;
  • seal.

Fans of wild honey from earthen bees are trying in every possible way to get it - they plunder their tunnels, for which they immediately become brutally bitten.

The nature of the bees

Earthen bees are completely harmless and have a calm character. But they can sting when it is necessary to protect offspring or their own territory. Their sting will not cause more trouble than the sting of other types of bees. Torment causes only manifestations of allergies, in those people who are prone to it.

If bitten by an earthen wasp, you need:

  1. Remove the sting by gently prying it with tweezers or nails.
  2. Disinfect the bite site with alcohol, brilliant green or peroxide.
  3. Treat with an antihistamine cream.
    Earth bees.

    Earth bee.

When to worry:

  • if there is a tendency to allergies;
  • if the bites were numerous;
  • when the place fell on the lips, larynx or tongue.

Common types of earthen bees

Many species are representatives of the Red Book. They have encountered humans so often that they are now endangered. But there are some species that still occur periodically.

Andrena Clarkella

Earth bee Andren Clarkell.

Andren Clarkell.

A bee with a lot of hair, which makes it look like a bumblebee. Beautiful and prominent, distinctively, are the hind legs of this species - they are densely covered with red hair.

They have a striking difference between the sexes: the females are larger, rounded, and have a stinger. Males, on the contrary, are thinner, have long antennae.

Leaf cutter

Bee leaf cutter.

Bee leaf cutter.

A representative of singles that finds a place for a nest in the trees. It is very easy to notice their action - they cut the leaves evenly or in a rounded shape.

These bees have a short lifespan - 2 months for the female and a month for the male. The parents mate, prepare the site, make the masonry and harvest, then die.

wool beaters

Little bees that like to live under the bark in trunks. These are frequent guests of botanical gardens and squares. From wood they prepare cozy nurseries for children. They look very cute.

Neighborhood with earthen bees

You need to start methods of dealing with earthen bees with one question - is it worth expelling them. They do not live in large colonies and usually do not cause trouble.

Benefits of ground bees

Earth bee.

Earth bee.

They pollinate flowers and trees well. Small animals prepare a lot of food for their offspring, and since their life span is short, they do it intensively and very actively.

Ground bees love alfalfa, which is not the case with ordinary bees. Colonies, especially leaf cutters, are very good at this task and are even specially lured for this.

How to deal with earthen bees

If a decision is made to start a fight with bees, then you need to determine the method and prepare yourself. It is necessary to carry out all measures taking into account safety requirements.

There are several basic ways to deal with insects.


Boiling water works best and most effectively. Depending on the size of the nest, you will need several buckets of water. They are quickly poured out and the entrance is closed with a stone. Repeat if necessary.


Any combustible liquid is used. It is poured into a hole that the bees use as a nest and set on fire. Do not use this method near a barn or buildings. Beware of angry bees.


Special preparations that serve as a poison will help get rid of earthen bees. There are a lot of them for sale, they are produced in various forms. They spray the nest with them and close the entrance so that they do not fly out.

If necessary, a number of procedures must be repeated. After the destruction of the nest, the place is dug up.

What you need to know about security

Ground bees are dangerous representatives of the species. Although they themselves do not attack on a whim or on their own. But in case of danger, they will launch their attack.

When working with bees, you need to observe safety measures:

  1. Wear a protective suit when working to protect against bees.
    How to get rid of earthen bees.

    Protective suit for working with bees.

  2. It is better to work in the dark, when insects are less active.
  3. Dilute and use chemicals strictly according to the instructions.
  4. If insects start an attack, it is better to flee. They attack the whole company very easily and quickly.
  5. During work, keep children and pets safe, even warn neighbors.

How to secure the area

Usually earthen bees do not cause much trouble and harm to people. Their small family usually settles near the source of food and does not climb into the human abode. But they happen, gardeners are attracted, without knowing it.

Honey plants are very popular with bees, who prefer to feed on their pollen and nectar. Their large number will attract hymenoptera.

Accordingly, vice versa. There are those plants that repel insects with their smell. These include:

  • lavender;
  • calendula;
  • basil;
  • Melissa;
  • sagebrush;
  • mint.


Ground bees are calm and peaceful neighbors, if left untouched. They do not live very long and all their existence is only engaged in extracting honey. People do not mind eating wild honey, but often suffer from the attacks of these brave heroes who protect their possessions.

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