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Scalapendria: photos and features of centipede-scolopendra

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The diversity of living beings in the world is sometimes simply amazing. At the same time, some of them touch people with their appearance, while others look like creepy monsters from horror films have been reduced in size. For many, one of these "monsters" is scolopendra or scolopendra.

Scolopendra or scalapendria

What does a centipede look like

Name: Scolopendra
Latin: scolopendra

Class: Gobopoda - Chilopoda
Scolopendra - Scolopendromorpha
Real skolopendra - Scolopendridae

Dangerous for:active predator
Features:rarely attacks people, are nocturnal

The body structure of different representatives of this genus is not particularly different. The differences are only in size and some features. In temperate latitudes, mainly small species of these centipedes live, but in a warm subtropical climate, much larger individuals can be found.


The body length of the centipede can vary from 12 mm to 27 cm. The shape of the body is strongly elongated and flat. The number of limbs of a centipede directly depends on the number of body segments.


In most cases, the body of a scolopendra consists of 21-23 segments, but in some species there are up to 43. The first pair of legs of a scolopendra is usually transformed into mandibles.


In the anterior part of the body, the centipede has a pair of antennae, consisting of 17-34 segments. The eyes of this genus of centipedes are reduced or completely absent. Most species also have two pairs of jaws - main and maxilla, which are designed to tear or grind food.

Colors and shades

The color of centipedes can be very diverse. For example, species living in cooler climates are most often colored in muted shades of yellow, orange, or brown. Among tropical species, you can find a bright color of green, red or even purple.

Habitat and lifestyle of scolopendra



These centipedes are considered one of the most common arthropods on the planet. They live everywhere and adapt to almost any conditions, thanks to a wide variety of species.

All representatives of this genus of arthropods are active predators and some of them can be quite aggressive. Most often, their diet consists of small insects and invertebrates, but fairly large species may also feed on frogs, small snakes, or mice.

Scolopendra can in principle attack any animal that does not exceed its size.

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To kill her victim, she uses a potent poison. The glands with which the centipede releases its toxin are located at the ends of the mandibles.

Scolopendra go hunting only at night. Their victims are insects, the size of which does not exceed the scolopendia itself.

During the day, arthropods prefer to hide under rocks, logs, or in soil cavities.

What is dangerous skolopendra for humans

Scolopendras are not often seen by humans, as they are quite secretive nocturnal animals. These centipedes also show aggression towards people extremely rarely and only for the purpose of self-defense. Since the bite of some species can be quite toxic, you should not provoke the centipede and try to touch it with your bare hands.

The venom of these centipedes is not fatal to a healthy adult, but the elderly, young children, allergy sufferers and people with weakened immune systems should be wary of it.

The bite of a giant centipede, even an absolutely healthy person, can put to bed for several days, but the mucus secreted by the centipede can also cause unpleasant symptoms. Even if the insect does not bite, but simply runs through the human body, this can cause quite a strong irritation on the skin.

The benefits of scolopendra

Apart from the rare unpleasant encounters between humans and scolopendra, we can safely say that it is a very useful animal. These predatory centipedes actively destroy a huge number of annoying pests, such as flies or mosquitoes. Sometimes large centipedes even live with people as pets.

In addition, they can even cope with such dangerous spiders as the Black Widow without any problems.

Scolopendra video / Scolopendra video


Although centipedes have an unpleasant and sometimes even intimidating appearance, they do not pose a serious danger to humans. In order to peacefully coexist with these centipedes, it is enough to carefully look under your feet and not try to catch or touch the animal with your bare hands.

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