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Spiders, residents of the Saratov region

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Spiders have been scaring people for a long time. Even not so much with its frightening appearance, as a psychological factor. But most do not bite harder than a bee or a wasp. Although there are dangerous types.

Spiders of the Saratov region

The dry climate and the lack of regular rains allow many species of spiders to exist on the ground and in burrows.

silver spider

Spiders of the Saratov region.

Silver spider.

silver spider - one representative of arachnids that can live in water. Although in the Saratov region it is in the Red Book, it is still found on the coasts. He lives year-round in the water, on the abdomen there are bristles that prevent getting wet.

Silverfish breathes thanks to a special bubble in which air remains. These species have a painful bite, but the spider will rarely attack a human. It stings only if it accidentally falls into hands with nets, in self-defense.


Spider of the Saratov region.

Phalanx spider.

This spider, also called saltpug, is very unpredictable. They eat a lot, it even happens that they burst from excessive consumption of food, but if there is food, they eat until they die. And they catch both small midges and large lizards.

Spiders are not poisonous, but bite very painfully. They do not introduce venom after being bitten, but chelicerae often leave remnants of the spider's food. When bitten, it bites through human skin and cadaveric poison enters the body. Often this leads to blood poisoning.

Phalanxes love the light and have often been spotted by the fire on warm, fine evenings.

black eresus

Spiders of the Saratov region.

Black eresus.

Velvet spider black thickhead has an unusual appearance - the red abdomen is covered with thick hairs. They have large, powerful legs, covered with a lot of hair. They have black spots on them, which is why they are sometimes called ladybugs. In some regions of the country they are listed in the Red Book.

The spider is dangerous, but among the poisonous ones it is quite peaceful. With his chelicerae, he deeply injects poison into his prey, kills an insect with lightning speed, and a mammal in a couple of seconds. For humans, the bite is very painful.


Spiders of the Saratov region.

Spider yellow sac.

This species has other names - golden, yellow-bag piercing spider, sak. This is the most dangerous predator of all members of the family. The animal is light, pale yellow, with a beige tint. The spider is small but very aggressive.

The bite feels like a bee bite. But it has many consequences - acute pain, swelling, vomiting, chills. The temperature rises, an allergic reaction begins. Symptoms in healthy people last more than a day, allergy sufferers can even end up in the hospital.


Spiders of the Saratov region.

Spider Mizgir.

One of the most common tarantulas in Russia - South Russian, he is Mizgir. It is quite large, up to 30 mm in size. The wolf spider is a typical loner, preying on various types of insects. On the territory of the Saratov region, this arthropod is found even in gardens.

The tarantula prefers to live in open sunny places, and hunts at night. He prefers to move away from danger when he feels the approach of a person. A bite can be earned by accidentally cornering a spider. A person gets swelling, severe pain and redness. Better take an antihistamine.


This dangerous spider is very fond of dry steppes. Danger karakurts they represent the middle of summer, when it is time for mating and laying eggs. They like to crawl towards people, often found in sheds, corridors, and in search of warmth they even climb into shoes or bed.

In recent years, there has been a surge in the population of this species of spiders. The danger is that the bite is almost invisible, no stronger than a mosquito bite. But the poison quickly spreads through the human body and begins to affect all organs. If a person is in good health, he does without consequences, but it is better to consult a doctor.


In the warm and arid conditions of the Saratov region, many different types of spiders live. They can be dangerous to humans or be a simple neighbor. But in any case, it is better not to provoke animals.

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