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Intimidating but not dangerous crab spider of Australia

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Among the Guinness Book record holders, one of the important places among large arachnids is the giant crab spider. And he looks really intimidating. And his manner of movement makes it clear that he is a sidewalker.

Giant crab spider: photo

Description of the spider

Name: Crab spider hunter
Latin: Huntsman spider

Class: Arachnida - Arachnida
Spiders - Araneae
Family: Sparassidae

Habitats:under stones and in bark
Dangerous for:small insects
Attitude towards people:bites when threatened

The giant crab spider is a member of the Sparassidae family. They call him Huntsman Spider, that is, hunting. It is often confused with the large Heteropod maxima spider.

A large crab spider is a resident of Australia, for which he received the prefix "Australian" in the title. The habitat of the spider is secluded places under stones and in the bark of trees.

The hunting spider Huntsman is brown in color with black spots and streaks. Its body is covered with thick hair, similar to the hair of a tarantula.

Hunting and lifestyle

Crab spiders have a special structure of legs, due to which they move sideways. This allows you to quickly change the trajectory of movement and attack your prey.

In the diet of the giant crab spider:

  • mole;
  • mosquitoes;
  • cockroaches;
  • flies.

Crab spiders and people

Giant crab spider.

Crab spider in the car.

A crab spider with a lot of hair looks extremely intimidating. He often coexists with people, climbs into cars, cellars, sheds and living rooms.

The reaction of people to the appearance of a hairy monster is the reason why spiders bite. Most often, animals run away, preferring not to face threats, but to flee. But if they are driven into a corner, they bite.

Symptoms of a bite are severe pain, burning and swelling of the bite site. But they pass within a few hours.


The giant crab spider, a typical resident of Australia, although it is intimidatingly called, is actually not so dangerous. He, of course, often appears in horror films, but is greatly embellished.

With people, the spider prefers to favorably coexist, feed on pests and thereby help them. Biting a crab spider hunter will hurt, but only if he is directly threatened. In a normal situation, when meeting with a spider, he prefers to flee.

Terrible Australian SPIDERS

SpidersFlower spider side walker yellow: cute little hunter
The next
SpidersHeteropod maxima: the spider with the longest legs

Without Cockroaches
