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Heteropod maxima: the spider with the longest legs

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Large spiders are a horror for suspicious people who are afraid of this kind of animal. The heteropod maxima is the largest spider in the world, it terrifies with its size alone.

Heteropoda maxima: photo

Description of the spider

Name: Heteropod maxima
Latin: Heteropoda maxima

Class: Arachnida - Arachnida
Spiders - Araneae
Family: Sparassidae

Habitats:caves and gorges
Dangerous for:small insects
Attitude towards people:not dangerous
Are you afraid of spiders?
Heteropoda maxima is a rare representative of Asian spiders. He lives in caves, but has eyes. The appearance is distinctive - the spider itself is small, but it has huge limbs.

The body of the female is 40 mm long, the male is 30 mm. But the span of the limbs of this spider reaches a size of 30 cm. This is the largest limb span of all spiders.

The color of the heteropod spider is the same in both sexes - brown-yellow. There may be dark chaotic spots on the cephalothorax. Red chelicerae.

Habitat and lifestyle

The largest Asian spider lives in hard-to-reach places, mainly in caves. It is believed that they are adapted to this image precisely because of their long legs.

Maxima heteropods hunt flies, mosquitoes and other small insects. They are considered helpers of agriculture, but are not common. Thanks to its long legs, the spider can hunt with lightning speed - quickly attack and sharply change direction.

Giant Huntsman Spider (Heteropoda maxima)


The heteropod maxima spider is little studied, because it lives in the secluded corners of the caves of Australia and Asia. He definitely deserves the title of the largest spider, thanks to his long legs. It is not dangerous to people, like many hunters, but in case of danger it attacks first.

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