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Black widow in Russia: the size and features of the spider

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Spiders terrify and fear people. The black widow, despite its calm nature, is considered one of the most dangerous spiders on the planet. This is due to the arthropod's toxic venom, which can be fatal.

black widow spider

The Black Widow is a self-sufficient spider. She herself builds a web all her life and raises children. This name was given to the species for the peculiarity of the lifestyle. After mating, the female eats her man, and sometimes he dies a heroic death before fertilization.

The black widow is very prolific. Every 12-15 years there is an outbreak of the population of this species. This is especially true for those places where the winter is warm. These species have chosen comfortable places near people - landfills, heaps of garbage, industrial rubble.

Regions of residence of the black widow in Russia

Black Widow in Russia.

Latrodectus mactans is the most dangerous species.

There are 31 varieties of black widow in total. However, in terms of toxicity, each has its own poison. The real deadly spider Latrodectus mactans lives only in hot regions of the USA.

Other species are less toxic. Arthropods prefer the warm climate of the Black Sea and Azov regions. Habitat - Kalmykia, Astrakhan region, Crimea, Krasnodar Territory, Southern Urals.

Not so long ago, data appeared on spider bites in such areas as Orenburg, Kurgan, Saratov, Volgograd, Novosibirsk. In 2019, black widows attacked people in the Moscow region. The consequences of the bites did not lead to death.

Distribution in Moscow and Moscow region

Spiders have the ability to travel in strong gusts of wind. The web is a sail. It is used to move long distances. This can explain their appearance in the suburbs. But there were no fatal bites.

It can be unequivocally argued that the spiders that have appeared do not belong to the most dangerous species. Scientists are inclined to believe that this is a species of Latrodectus tredecimguttatus. The content of neurotoxin in it is only 0,59 mg / kg. For comparison, in the species Latrodectus mactans (deadly) - 0,90 mg / kg.

Black widow bite

Symptoms of a bite include the presence of two small punctures, headache, acute pain in the affected area, severe burning, nausea, vomiting, weakness.

Black widow photo in Russia.

Male black widow.

First aid consists of:

  • immobilization of the victim;
  • applying a cold compress or ice;
  • washing the wound with soap;
  • immediate admission to the hospital.

Doctors use a dropper containing calcium gluconate and muscle relaxant drugs. In the most difficult cases, a special serum is needed. Its administration is strictly controlled by a physician and is not recommended for adolescents under 16 years of age. Surprisingly, the blood of the spider itself is the best antidote.


Due to the spread of the black widow, the appearance of an arthropod can be expected in any region of Russia. When meeting with a spider, you must be careful and careful not to provoke him to attack. In case of a bite, immediately provide first aid and call an ambulance

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