What are ants: the variety of species never ceases to amaze

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Nature has created unusual insects - ants. Little insects are distinguished by great diligence. Some of them are beneficial. However, some are capable of wreaking havoc in gardens. Each species has its own structural features, color, habits.

Description and role of the insect

While varieties may differ in dietary, lifestyle, and appearance preferences, there is one thing they all have in common. These intelligent insects live in an organized colony in which each member has a role to play.

Ants are very difficult to count. The number of individuals is constantly changing, new ones appear, and some die. They by their activity benefit:

  • loosen the soil;
  • carry seeds;
  • enrich the soil.

Variety of species

According to various estimates, about 300 species of insects live in Russia. But ants are not so easy to miscalculate, they are constantly changing and hybrids appear. Among those living in other countries and continents, there are many unusual individuals.


To date, scientists have studied about 4000 varieties of ants. In Russia, there are 260 species. Each species is unique and unique. Most ants are completely harmless. But a meeting with some can lead to serious consequences and even death.

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