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Brave woodworm ants are useful pests

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The ant family has more than 14 thousand different species, and almost all of them play an important role in the ecosystem. Many forest species of ants are real helpers of nature and thanks to them the process of decomposition of plant and animal remains is much faster. One of these "orderlies" is the black wood borer ant.

What does a black woodworm ant look like: photo

Description and appearance


Black carpenter ants are one of the largest members of the ant family. The body length of representatives of this species can reach 15 mm, although this only applies to soldiers and females. The body of working individuals of carpenter ants most often does not exceed 5-10 mm in length.

Abdomen color

The body color of the insect is completely black or dark gray, and the tip of the abdomen may be slightly lighter than the main color. The surface of the body is smooth and shiny. There are sparse light gray or reddish hairs on the head, thorax, and especially on the abdomen.

Head and sense organs

The head of a worker ant-carpenter is shaped like a square with rounded corners, but in soldiers the shape of the head is more like a triangle. The eyes of representatives of this species are well developed, which allows them to easily distinguish the movement of a potential victim or enemy.


The main habitat of this insect species covers the forested area of ​​northern Asia, as well as southern and central Europe. On the territory of Russia, the black woodworm ant can be found in the following regions:

  • North Caucasus;
  • Ural and Crimea;
  • Western Siberia;
  • Altai region.

Where black carpenter ants build their homes

Carpenter ants most often locate their dwellings on forest edges and clearings, which receive a sufficient amount of sunlight. This is due to the special thermophilicity of insects, because the most comfortable air temperature for them is from +20 to +27 degrees Celsius.

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Lifestyle and behavioral patterns

CharacterBlack carpenter ants are considered one of the most aggressive insects.
SoldiersEach colony of this species has clear boundaries of possessions, which are guarded by soldiers. Feeling the approach of the enemy, the guards immediately throw all their strength into the defense of the dwelling.
AggressionAt the same time, the size of the enemy will not stop them. Even if a person invades the territory of ants, insects will try to bite him.
AppetitesIn food, these insects are not picky. The diet of carpenter ants can consist of both plant foods and animal products.
Cultivation of aphidsLike other ants, carpenters often breed aphids for honeydew.

Benefit and harm to humans

Black carpenter ants are predominantly found in the wild and rarely cross paths with humans. But, recently, due to massive deforestation, the habitat habitual for these insects has significantly decreased.

This leads to a decrease in the number of carpenter ants, and in some regions of Russia this species was even listed in the Red Book.

Such harsh realities forced these insects to go beyond the forest and settle near people. Problems resulting from the appearance of such neighbors can be tangible. However, there are also advantages from the neighborhood with black wood-boring ants. They help regulate the number of various small insects.

Disappear from the territory: 

  • Bugs;
  • mole;
  • flies;
  • midges;
  • spiders.

Insect damage:

  • damage to furniture;
  • violation of the integrity of wooden walls and ceilings;
  • the appearance of aphids on indoor and garden plants.


All living beings on the planet have their own purpose, and even tiny insects play an important role. Black woodworm ants are not pests at all, but just living creatures that are trying to adapt to the rapid changes in the world around them. Therefore, having noticed an anthill of representatives of this species in the garden, you should not use chemicals and destroy insects. It would be more humane to try to move the colony somewhere far away - outside the yard.


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