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Brave bullet ants - their bite is like a burn after a shot

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One of the oldest insects in the world can safely be called an ant bullet. Research scientists have shown that insects lived on the planet as early as the Mesozoic era. Paraponera clavata have high intelligence and a well-developed social organization that has allowed them to adapt over many millions of years.

What does an ant bullet look like: photo

Bullet Ant Description

Name: bullet ant
Latin: Bullet Ant

Class: Insects - Insecta
Hymenoptera - Hymenoptera
Ants - Formicidae

Habitats:tropical rainforests
Dangerous for:small insects, eat carrion
Characteristics of character:aggressive, attack first
Ant bullet close-up.

Ant bullet close-up.

This species is one of the largest and most dangerous. The dimensions of the insect are impressive. The length of the body varies between 1,7 - 2,6 cm. There is a hard shell on the body. Workers are much smaller. The largest of all is the uterus.

The color of the body varies from red to gray-brown. The body is studded with thin needle-like spines. The head is sub-square with rounded corners. The eyes are round and bulging. The length of the sting is from 3 to 3,5 mm. The poison contains a high content of poneratoxin, which acts during the day. The poison provokes the appearance of severe pain. Allergy sufferers can be fatal.

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bullet ant habitat

Insects prefer tropical rainforests. Habitat - countries of South America. Insects settle from Paraguay and Peru to Nicaragua and Costa Rica.

The nesting place is an underground part in the roots of large trees. Nests are built with one entrance. There are always guarding individuals at the entrance to warn the others in time and close the entrance in case of danger. The nest is usually located underground at the level of 0,5 m. The colony consists of 1000 ants. 4 nests can be placed on 1 ha.
The nest can be compared to a multi-storey building. One long tunnel forks at different levels. Long and high galleries are formed. Construction involves a drainage system.

bullet ant diet

Bullet ants are predators. They eat live insects and carrion. The diet consists of flies, cicadas, butterflies, centipedes, small bugs, plant nectar, fruit juice.

Individuals and groups go hunting. They attack even the largest prey without fear.

The carcass is divided and transferred to the nest. They are lovers of sweetness, so they make holes in the bark or roots of the tree and drink the sweet juice.

STINGED BY THE ANT BULLET (Ant bite by bullet) Coyote Peterson in Russian

bullet ant lifestyle

Activity is observed at night.

HierarchyAs with all species, bullet ants have a clear hierarchy. Queens produce offspring. The rest are engaged in the extraction of food and construction. The queen is in the nest most of the time. 
CharacterIn their family, insects are very peaceful and able to help each other. The rest of the brethren are treated aggressively.
Attitude towards peopleBullet ants are not afraid of humans. But upon contact with them, they begin to hiss, releasing a smelly liquid. This is a danger warning. When bitten, a sting with paralyzing poison pierces.
Diet preferencesThe miners provide food for the larvae. In search of prey, they can move 40 m away from the anthill. Search locations are forest floor or trees. Half of the insects bring liquid, and the rest - dead and plant food.
DEFThere are individual individuals that are guardians. In the event of danger approaching, they close the entrances and exits, warn others. They are also scouts, they go out to find out the situation near the anthill.

Bullet ant life cycle

Ants dig their nests in the spring. Workers do not reproduce. Healthy males can participate in reproduction, which die after the end of this process.

Natural enemies

Natural enemies include birds, lizards, shrews, wasps, anteaters, ant lions. When attacked, the family always defends itself. They do not begin to hide, but protect the cubs.

Many colonies survive on dead defending ants. Insects disarm enemies by biting painfully. The poison can cause limb paralysis. In nature, these aggressive animals are attacked only when they walk in small colonies or singly.

But the biggest danger to the ant is people. Nests are destroyed due to deforestation. Some Indians use ants in rituals, dooming them to death.


The bullet ant is the largest and most dangerous species. Insects are calm and peaceful. However, it is strictly forbidden to touch them with your hands. When bitten, be sure to take an antihistamine and consult a doctor.

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