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Remedy for bedbugs “Cucaracha”

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There are a variety of insect repellents on the market, including dozens of products to control bedbugs, fleas, cockroaches, mosquitoes, flies, ticks, ants, etc. One such insecticide available in online stores is called Cucaracha.

Cucaracha concentrate is designed to effectively kill bedbugs, fleas, cockroaches, ticks, ants and mosquitoes. The hazard class of this drug is second, so it is important to be careful when preparing and using it. Made in Russia.

The advantages of Cucaracha include an affordable price, positive user reviews and the effectiveness of the finished emulsion. To achieve maximum results, it is recommended to re-treat two weeks after the initial application. When purchasing, it is important to remember the potential danger to human health and strictly follow the instructions, taking precautions when treating surfaces.

What is the drug "Cucaracha"?

Cucaracha is a powder intended to be used after adding water. The active components of the drug are cypermethrin and malathion, which, although poisonous, affect various systems in the body of insects. Cypermethrin causes nervous system disruption and paralysis, while malathion limits the transmission of nerve impulses to organs.

This aggressive drug is able to destroy all bedbugs and fleas in just three days, as well as have an effect on cockroaches, mosquitoes, ticks and flies. The interaction of malathion and cypermethrin provides a strong effect, making Cucaracha suitable for professional pest control.

Since mosquitoes, flies, ticks and cockroaches can choose hard-to-reach places to live, it is important to carefully apply the Cucaracha solution. Due to its characteristics, the drug quickly and effectively destroys all individuals. Instructions and product descriptions are available on the Internet.

Ways to use Cucaracha

It is necessary to dissolve the powder in low temperature water, mixing thoroughly and maintaining a uniform consistency. Typically, there is approximately 50 ml of emulsion per square meter at a time. If the material absorbs moisture, the volume can be doubled. For a broader effect, it is recommended to use a sprayer.

When processing, it is important to reach furniture folds, baseboards, corners and crevices. The effectiveness of reducing the number of cockroaches and other insects will also increase if you clean carpets and mattresses. The product remains active for four hours and can then be washed off with soap and water. To influence the larvae, it is recommended to repeat the treatment after 2 weeks.

The amount of powder used depends on the type of insect. Instructions for drug dilution and dosage can be found in the next section.

Dosages for preparing working emulsions

Bedbugs, mosquitoes, and cockroaches exhibit different sensitivities, therefore, the composition of the solution for killing fleas, flies, bedbugs and cockroaches will vary.

Here are the optimal dosages:

  • For flies: 5 g “Cucaracha” per 1 liter of water;
  • For cockroaches: 5 g “Cucaracha” per 1 liter of water;
  • For mosquitoes: 2,5 g “Cucaracha” per 1 liter of water;
  • For bedbugs: 2,5 g of Cucaracha per 1 liter of water.

Due to the high rate of reproduction of flies, mosquitoes, cockroaches and bedbugs, it is important to begin treatment in a timely manner to avoid complicating the situation and maintain the ability to effectively get rid of insects.

Is Cucaracha harmful to health?

The drug "Cucaracha" belongs to the second class of danger, which indicates a high degree of harm to humans and animals. Therefore, maintaining the correct dosage of powder when preparing the solution plays an important role, and for this you should follow the instructions. Before starting processing, be sure to use rubber gloves and a mask or respirator.

If the drug enters the body, it will likely be neutralized by an alkaline environment. However, it should be borne in mind that the product can cause various negative reactions, such as allergies, poisoning, nausea and dizziness. Contact with personal belongings and products should be avoided. To protect furniture and electronics, it is recommended to cover them with a moisture-proof cloth before treatment.

If it is necessary to eliminate drug residues, it is recommended to add water and soda, as they can neutralize the toxicity of the components.

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How to use Cucaracha?

Cucaracha powder is designed to create an aqueous solution, and the choice of dosage depends on the type of insects that need to be killed. More detailed information on this issue can be found in the corresponding article. Since the product is toxic, it is recommended to use protective equipment.

How to get rid of bedbugs in an apartment?

There are a variety of means to combat bedbugs. First of all, it is important to make sure that there are no cracks or holes in the floors or walls through which pests could enter. Leaks in the house should also be repaired, and leftover food should be stored in the refrigerator to prevent bedbugs from accessing it.

Several ways to repel bedbugs:

  1. Using aromatics such as wormwood, eucalyptus, citrus, etc.
  2. Avoiding very low and high temperatures by washing bedding at 60 degrees or freezing items.
  3. Preparation of a solution from ammonia and water.
  4. Using special glue traps.

How much does Cucaracha cost?

The cost of such funds is quite affordable. The volume of 1 liter of “Cucaracha” averages 2000 rubles in stores, and the consumption does not exceed 10 ml per 1 liter of water. A 50 ml package is also offered, the cost of which is approximately 200-300 rubles. It is important to read reviews and product descriptions to determine if the insecticide is a good buy. Prices for the drug may vary in different online stores or physical points of sale.

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