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Bedbug repellers

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Bedbugs are unfriendly insects that can cause a lot of inconvenience to humans. They can settle in furniture upholstery, in carpet pile, between wallpaper, under floors and in other hard-to-reach places. Those who have encountered these insects know how painful their bites are and what marks they leave on the skin. The bites can cause an allergic reaction, especially in children, who may also develop a fear of insects. Therefore, it is highly recommended to get rid of bedbugs as soon as possible. A special device can help in this matter - a repeller, which negatively affects bedbugs using ultrasound or magnetic fields. Using this device in your home will help get rid of annoying pests.

Fighting bedbugs

There are several ways to control pests using different means.

The most common methods are:

  1. The use of poisons. This method can be effective, but many people forget about the negative impact of poisons on the health of indoor residents. When using poisons, you must strictly follow the instructions. It is better to entrust disinfestation using poisons to specialists to avoid potential harm to health.
  2. Change in room temperature. Bed bugs cannot tolerate temperatures that are too hot or cold, so heating or cooling the furniture or room can help get rid of them. However, in city apartments this can be difficult, and in suburban areas bedbugs may return. In office premises this method is not always effective.
  3. Use of repellers. Recently, there has been an increase in sales of repellers that effectively cope with getting rid of insects. Repellers can be electromagnetic or ultrasonic. Let's look at each of them in more detail.

Electromagnetic bedbug repeller

Repellers of this type create an electromagnetic field with varying frequencies, thereby affecting the nervous system of bedbugs. Under the influence of this field, they experience fear and run away from the device’s coverage area. Electromagnetic repellers are harmless to humans and pets, so they can be used in their presence. It is recommended to pre-clean, remove dust from carpets and corners before using the device to achieve more effective results.

Ultrasonic bedbug repeller

The ultrasonic device continuously creates changing frequencies to scare the bedbugs. Since bedbugs navigate in space using their auditory perception, constant changes in frequencies make them feel threatened, causing them to run away. The advantage of such a repeller is its safety for humans, allowing treatment without the need to leave the room. Another advantage is the versatility of the device, which can repel not only bedbugs, but also other pests such as rodents, spiders, cockroaches and others.

It is important to note that you should not expect instant results. Regular use of ultrasonic repellers is required to completely get rid of insects, and their effectiveness can be enhanced by using additional pest control methods.

Ultrasonic Pest Repeller Bug Test


How does a bedbug repeller work?

Any repellent device generates alternating frequencies that have a negative effect on the nervous system of bedbugs, causing them to experience fear and leave the area of ​​effect of the device.

How to get rid of bedbugs?

A special repeller can be an effective remedy. Its advantage is its compact size and safety for people and pets when used correctly. You can also use aromatic herbs and various traps.

How can you kill bedbugs?

Various repellers are great for fighting small numbers of bedbugs, and they can also be effective in fighting cockroaches. They are available on marketplaces and hardware stores. However, before purchasing, it is recommended to carefully study the information about possible effects on human health. For more serious problems, it is better to entrust the extermination of bedbugs to a sanitation team using quality equipment and products.

What is the cost of a bedbug repeller?

The average price of a high-quality bedbug repeller is about 3 rubles. It may depend on the size, power and manufacturer of the device. It is important to familiarize yourself with the characteristics of the device, read reviews and consider possible additional costs, such as shipping costs.

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