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Spider with claws: a false scorpion and its character

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Representatives of arachnids have long terrified mankind. And they say that "fear has big eyes." It often happens that some individuals have undeservedly earned the fear of people, like false scorpions.

False scorpion: photo

Description of animals

Name: False scorpions, pseudo scorpions, false scorpions
Latin: Pseudoscorpionid

Class: Arachnida - Arachnida

Dangerous for:small pests
Means of destruction:usually do not need to be destroyed

Pseudoscorpions are a large order of arachnids. They are very small, lead a secretive lifestyle and are widespread everywhere. There are about 3300 species of representatives, and new ones appear every year.

The appearance of the arachnid is very similar to the scorpion, but many times smaller. The largest representative of the species can reach a size of 12 mm.

They are similar to real scorpions with pedipalps, claws with a grasping function. Other than that, it's just a normal spider.

Distribution and habitation

Representatives of the order of false scorpions can be found everywhere. They are often found in cold regions, highlands and damp caves. Some species live only on remote islands. Some individuals live under the bark and in cracks.


Who is a false scorpion.

The process of laying eggs.

Another similarity between the false scorpion and the scorpion lies in the method of reproduction. They arrange mating dances, a whole ritual that is designed to lure females.

Babies are born once a year. A caring mother false scorpion takes care of them and protects them. She gives birth to offspring in a nest of skin particles after molting, plant remains, pieces of paper and cobwebs.

Nutritional features of false scorpions

Small animals are helpers in pest control. They eat:

  • fly larvae;
  • ticks;
  • small spiders;
  • lice;
  • midges;
  • mosquitoes;
  • caterpillars;
  • springtails;
  • ants.

The false scorpion grabs its prey with two claws, paralyzes and eats. Then the animal removes the remnants of food from its mouth organs.

False scorpions and humans

These animals prefer to lead a secretive and solitary lifestyle, so meeting people is quite rare. They themselves try to avoid frequent meetings. They have a large number of positive aspects, but there are also disadvantages.


  • room attendants;
  • remove allergens and dust;
  • don't attack people.


  • bite, but only in case of danger;
  • look pretty intimidating;
  • their waste products can cause allergies.

book false scorpion

Book false scorpion.

Book false scorpion.

One of those arachnids that lives in the same room with a person is the book false scorpion. He can only annoy people who are not prepared to meet, there is no harm from him at all.

The book false scorpion or the claw spider often found in the house is a very useful roommate for people. This miniature predator eats small bread mites, cockroaches and hay eaters. The arachnid is a good orderly and destroys small insects that inhabit dwellings and even people's beds.

Scorpions in the bathroom

The most favorite place of these animals is the bathroom. It is humid, dark and often not perfectly cleaned in the most inaccessible places. If you go into a closed bathroom and suddenly turn on the light, you can see a stir in the corners. These false scorpions quickly hide from the owners of the house, curious neighbors.

The remnants of the skin that remain in the bathroom after bathing attract various mites and insects. They feed on false scorpions.

Do I need to fight false scorpions

Spider with claws.

The "brutal attack" of the false scorpion.

Neighborhood with small arachnids is only good for people. They are, in addition to a frightening appearance, and even then, with a strong increase, they cannot do any harm.

In homes, they do not multiply in such large numbers as to cause harm. Moreover, false scorpions, especially females during the mating season, are very courageous. They become parasitic animals.

A vivid example of this is when a false scorpion tries to grab a fly, but cannot paralyze it. It turns out that he rides on it, moving from place to place and eats.


False scorpions are small bugs with an awesome look. But they are so tiny that they do not harm people at all. Moreover, they are even useful in the house, a kind of cleaning helpers. Let no one be afraid of their formidable appearance and strong claws.

The next
ArachnidsBiting arachnid scorpion: a predator with character

Without Cockroaches
