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Pink spider tarantula - a brave Chilean predator

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Among the large number of tarantulas, the Chilean pink tarantula deserved the love of keepers. He looks attractive, unpretentious and has a calm character.

Chilean pink tarantula: photo

Description of the spider

Name: Chilean pink tarantula
Latin:Grammostola rosea

Class: Arachnida - Arachnida
Spiders - Araneae
Family: Tarantulas - Theraphosidae

Habitats:in burrows, under stones
Dangerous for:small insects
Attitude towards people:rarely bites

The pink tarantula is native to Chile. He lives in the desert and in the southwestern United States. The shade of this representative may vary, it is chestnut, brown or pink. The whole body and legs are covered with blond hair.

The life span of a tarantula from Chile is about 20 years. But this information is not accurate, because it is impossible to study them on the territory of the Russian Federation, they do not occur in nature here.


The Chilean pink tarantula is a terrestrial spider. He also lives in burrows, which he takes away from rodents or occupies already empty ones. He himself is measured and inactive, prefers a calm lifestyle.

When grown at home, one can often observe how a spider in its dwelling methodically drags the substrate, thus preparing an impromptu dwelling for itself.

Nutrition and hunting

Chilean pink tarantula.

Pink tarantula.

Like most tarantula species, the Chilean rose spider prefers to hunt at dusk or at night. It prefers small insects sometimes small invertebrates. Hunts only by ambush, not using webs.

The Chilean pink tarantula prefers to nap during the day in secluded places, in the shade and under stones. He can use his own webs and body as a source of moisture, collecting dew from them.

Grammostola and people

The Chilean pink tarantula has a courageous but calm nature. In case of danger, he stands on his paws, raising the front and pushing the chelicerae apart.

On the occasion when the Chilean tarantula feels danger from a person, he prefers to run away. But his hairs are dangerous, he often combs them in self-defense.

Keeping a Chilean pink tarantula at home

Grammostola is considered one of the easiest tarantulas to keep. They are unpretentious, do not attack first and easily adapt to the lifestyle of the owner.

Chilean pink tarantula.

A tarantula in a terrarium.

This spider is calm, slow, does not show aggression first. It does not need a large area and terrarium decorations. For growing you need:

  • temperature from +22 to +28;
  • humidity 60-70%;
  • coconut crumb;
  • tight cover.

Red Chilean tarantula

For a long time it was believed that this species is different. But in fact, this is only a color variation of the pink tarantula spider. A spider, which is one of the most beautiful and simple for ordinary people and beginners in breeding.

Feeding a female Grammostola rosea (red).


The Chilean tarantula is one of the most popular foreign guests in Russian terrariums. He is loved for his calm disposition and unpretentiousness. And how beautiful he is cannot be described - bright hairs and their light tips seem to be an unusual color transition.

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