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Astrakhan spiders: 6 common species

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The climate of the Astrakhan region is well suited for the life of many arachnids. The summer period in this region is characterized by hot and dry weather, and in winter there is almost no snow and severe frosts. Such comfortable conditions have become the reason for the settlement of this territory by numerous colonies of various species of spiders.

What spiders live on the territory of the Astrakhan region

Most of the Astrakhan region is occupied by desert and semi-desert terrain. These areas are home to many different spider species and some of them deserve special attention.

Agriope lobata

Representatives of this species are small in size. Their body length reaches 12-15 mm and is painted in a silvery-gray color. There are pronounced black rings on the legs. A distinctive feature of the lobulated agriope is the notches on the abdomen, which are painted black or orange.

Spiders of the Astrakhan region.

Agriope lobata.

People encounter these spiders in gardens and at the edges of forests. They spend most of their time on their trapping net, waiting for prey. The poison of the lobulated agriop does not pose a serious danger to a healthy person. The consequences of a bite can be:

  • burning pain;
  • redness;
  • slight swelling.

Young children and allergy sufferers may experience more severe symptoms.

Gross steatoda

This type of spider belongs to the same family as the dangerous black widow. Steatodes have a similar appearance. The body length reaches 6-10 mm. The main color is black or dark brown. The belly is decorated with light spots. Unlike poisonous "sisters", the color of steatodes lacks a characteristic hourglass pattern.

Gross steatoda is found both in the wild and near human dwellings.

The poison of this spider is not fatal to humans, but can lead to the following consequences:

  • blisters at the site of the bite;
    Astrakhan spiders.

    Spider steatoda grossa.

  • pain;
  • muscle spasms;
  • fever;
  • sweating;
  • general malaise.

Agriope Brünnich

This species is also called wasp spider or tiger spider. The body length of adults ranges from 5 to 15 mm, while females are almost three times larger than males. The color of the abdomen is presented in the form of bright stripes of black and yellow.

Spiders of the Astrakhan region.

Agriop Brünnich.

The tiger spider weaves its webs in gardens, roadsides and grassy meadows. The poison of representatives of this species is not dangerous to humans, but a bite can lead to the following symptoms:

  • pain;
  • redness on the skin;
  • itching;
  • slight swelling.


Astrakhan spiders.

Spider cross.

The size of males and females of this species is very different. The body length of the male can reach only 10-11 mm, and females 20-40 mm. A distinctive feature in the color of spiders of this species is the pattern on the back in the form of a cross.

Cross fittings weave their webs in gardens, parks, forests and in the dark corners of agricultural buildings. These spiders rarely bite humans and only do so in self-defense. The poison of representatives of this species is practically harmless to humans and can only cause redness and pain, which pass without a trace after some time.

South Russian tarantula

Tarantula Astrakhan: photo.

Spider misgir.

Representatives of this species are also often called misgirami. These are medium-sized spiders, the body length of which practically does not exceed 30 mm. The body is colored brown and covered with many hairs, while the underside of the abdomen and cephalothorax is much darker than the upper.

Mizgiri live in deep burrows and are nocturnal, so they rarely come into contact with humans. The poison of the South Russian tarantulas is not particularly toxic, so their bite is not fatal. The consequences of a bite can only be pain, swelling or discoloration of the skin.


These spiders are considered among the most dangerous in the world. Their body length is only 10-20 mm. The body and limbs are smooth, black. The upper side of the abdomen is decorated with characteristic red spots.

Karakurt in the Astrakhan region.


Representatives of this species live: 

  • in the wastelands;
  • in rubble heaps;
  • in dry grass;
  • in agricultural buildings;
  • under the rocks.

If, after a bite, you do not consult a doctor in a timely manner and do not administer an antidote, a person may die. The first signs of a bite karakurta are:

  • burning pain;
  • severe swelling;
  • temperature increase;
  • tremor;
  • dizziness;
  • nausea;
  • dyspnea;
  • increased heart rate.


Most species of arachnids are not prone to aggression and, having met a person, they prefer not to attack the enemy, but to flee. However, in the warm season, spiders often become unexpected guests in people's homes, climbing into bed, clothes or shoes. Therefore, those who like to sleep with the windows wide open should be very careful and be sure to use mosquito nets.

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