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Do ticks fly: air attack of blood-sucking parasites - myth or reality

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Simultaneously with the beginning of the season of trips to nature, the period of activity of ticks begins. And even after walking around the city in the warm season, a person can find a parasite on himself. The opinion of most people about how ticks get on the body is a delusion. Many are unsure if ticks really fly or if they can jump. These blood-sucking parasites, only a few millimeters in size, can cause big problems, so it is important to know how they hunt in order to be safe.

Who are ticks

Ticks are one of the representatives of the class of arachnids with a wide habitat. Blood-sucking species of ticks are excellent hunters due to the structural features of their body. Ticks can be carriers of diseases, and then their bite will cause serious consequences.

Lifestyle and habitat

Ticks are inactive, they can stay in one place for a long time, passively hunting. They live among dense vegetation: in forests, parks and meadows. These parasites love moisture and shade.

Arachnids can be found in shrubs, on the lower branches of trees, on blades of grass and in plants on the banks of water bodies.

Periods of tick activity

The maximum activity of the mite is observed at a daytime temperature of about 15°C. One of the periods of activity lasts from April (or the end of March) to mid-June, and the second - from August to October. In hot weather, ticks are less active.

How are the limbs of the tick

The tick has four pairs of limbs that it uses for movement. The bloodsucker has long front legs, allowing it to cling to the victim and feel changes in the environment. On all limbs of the tick there are suction cups, thanks to which the arachnid moves along the body of the victim and is held on various surfaces. Also on the paws of the parasite there are bristles that help to navigate in space.

Became the prey of a tick?
Yes, it happened No, fortunately

How do ticks hunt and how do ticks move?

Ticks are good hunters. Almost without moving, they still find the victim and successfully fall on various parts of her body. Among people who do not know how this bloodsucker got to them, various misconceptions are common.

Are there ticks with wings?

Many people find a small insect with wings on their body that has dug into the skin, and mistakenly think that there are flying ticks. In fact, ticks cannot fly because they do not have wings. People confuse with them another insect - moose fly.

Who is moose fly

The moose fly, which is also called the deer bloodsucker, is also a blood-sucking parasite. Like a tick, it partially penetrates the skin to start feeding, otherwise these insects have differences.

The structure of the parasite

The body size of the moose fly is 5 mm. The insect has a large head with a proboscis to drink the blood of the victim. There are transparent wings on the sides of the body, and there are six legs, unlike a tick. The wings of the fly are weak, so it flies over short distances. Also, the parasite has the organ of vision, but is able to see only the contours of objects.

Is it dangerous for humans

Moose fly can be a carrier of diseases. People have different reactions to her bite. For some, the bite may be harmless and painless, and the redness on the affected area of ​​​​the skin will pass in a couple of days. Often the bite site is itchy. Some people who are susceptible to the parasite's saliva may develop pain at the site of the bite, dermatitis, or malaise.

How and who is attacked by a moose fly

Basically, the moose fly attacks the inhabitants of the forest: wild boars, deer, elks, bears, as well as livestock. But a person who is near forest zones and fields also becomes its victim. Usually the fly clings to the hair on the head. Getting on the body of the victim, the bloodsucker makes its way under the skin for quite a long time. Further, sucking with the help of a proboscis, the fly begins to drink blood.

How to protect yourself from blood-sucking parasites

  1. For walks in parks, forests and areas with tall grass, you need to wear closed clothes to prevent parasites from getting on the skin. The T-shirt must have a collar and long sleeves. It needs to be tucked into trousers. Pants should be long, for greater protection, you can tuck them into socks. Overalls are the best protection.
  2. It is very important to wear light-colored clothing in order to detect parasites on it in time.
  3. You should bypass areas with tall grass, where a large number of bloodsuckers live.
  4. The ankles, wrists, knees, waist and collar can be treated with a tick repellant.
  5. After the walk, be sure to inspect the body and make sure there are no parasites.
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