How to treat roses from aphids: 6 best recipes

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Experienced gardeners know that roses need to be cared for from the moment they appear in the garden. Those who are familiar with the cultivation of these proud flowers are familiar with aphids firsthand.

The danger of aphids in the garden

on roses aphid colony can do a lot of damage. It is a pest in itself, brings ants with it and can be a catalyst for other diseases. Insects on roses can cause:

  • deformation and discoloration of the leaves;
    Aphids on roses.

    Aphids on roses.

  • drying of buds;
  • the appearance of plaque on the leaves and trunk;
  • infection with fungus and powdery mildew;
  • the appearance of ants;
  • complete death in advanced cases.

Protection of the rosary from aphids

There are several ways to protect rose bushes from the invasion of voracious aphids. Their choice is based on the number of pests, the location of plants and the time of year.

Method 1: sparing measures

These methods are aimed at ensuring a comfortable development of the plant. This includes good neighbors. Marigolds, cumin and hyssop will make the existence of aphids uncomfortable.

Method 2: choosing allies

Aphids are eaten by some animals. These are ladybugs and some predatory mites. Birds also eat large colonies of the insect. You can attract them to the site if you place feeders.

Method 3: handmade

This is a mechanical procedure for crushing aphids with gloved hands. An alternative option is to shoot down with a strong jet of water. When the aphids fall to the ground, they themselves become prey.

Method 4: the experience of the peoples

People have long used the gifts of nature for good, and not only for food. The most common is soapy water. Wood ash or tobacco dust can be added to it.

Method 5: fast and dangerous

They act quickly and efficiently, but not everyone is ready to use chemicals on the site. You need to be careful if fruits or vegetables grow nearby.

Method 6: remove witnesses

Ants and aphids are a good symbiosis. The former protect the small fry and carry them, while the latter provide them with the opportunity to feed on their waste products. When ants appear, they must be removed immediately.

In a selection of tips from an experienced gardener selected 26 effective methods of protecting plants from aphids.

Prevention of pests

To prevent the aphid insect from appearing on rose bushes and in the rose garden, you need to follow a few simple rules.

  1. Maintain order throughout the area.
  2. Thin out the bushes and cut.
  3. Avoid stagnant moisture.
  4. Monitor the health of the entire garden.
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To enjoy the beautiful flowering of roses, it is not enough just to plant them. It is necessary to take care of plants and protect them from pests and diseases. The fight against aphids needs to be approached carefully and comprehensively, not forgetting about prevention.

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