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Naphthalene from moths: methods of application and popular drugs

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If a mole has appeared in the house, urgent measures must be taken to destroy it. It can ruin not only warm clothes made of fur and wool, but also leather clothes and shoes, carpets and upholstered furniture. One of the effective means of dealing with room moths are naphthalene balls. They have a deterrent effect.

Naphthalene balls.

Naphthalene balls.

Naphthalene: pros and cons

Naphthalene has long been used in the fight against moths. It is obtained from coal tar or petroleum. This is a solid crystalline substance belonging to aromatic hydrocarbons and has a sharp specific odor. When evaporating, particles of a substance combine with air and form a veil unsuitable for insect life.

Naphthalene poses some danger to humans as well. Inhalation of its vapors can cause allergic reactions and poisoning. And with prolonged exposure to hydrocarbons in humans, inhibition of erythrocytes in the blood is possible.

To minimize contact with naphthalene, it is used only in enclosed spaces: pantries, cabinets, chests of drawers, drawers, mezzanines, boxes and sacks. In this case, the action of the substance will be directed only against the moth.

On sale you can find various repellent and insecticidal preparations based on naphthalene: balls, tablets, briquettes, plates and aerosols. Their use requires compliance with security measures:

  • use protective equipment (mask and gloves);
    Naphthalene tablets from moths.

    Naphthalene tablets from moths.

  • balls and tablets intended for layout should first be placed in canvas bags or wrapped in napkins;
  • wash hands with soap after finishing work;
  • keep out of the reach of children and pets.

Naphthalene is widely used to repel fur, clothes and carpet moths. For preventive purposes, it can be laid in grain heaps. And other means are used to protect food products, naphthalene is strictly prohibited.

Features of the use of naphthalene balls

The advantages of balls are low price and ease of use. The duration of the deterrent action is 6 months. Then they must be replaced.

A favorite place for clothes and fur moths are wardrobes and mezzanines. There she lays eggs, from which larvae hatch later. Small yellowish caterpillars eat through fabrics and upholstery and leave a lot of excrement.

If a moth or its offspring is found on things in the closet, the following steps should be taken:

  1. Get the contents of the shelves and mezzanines and carefully inspect.
  2. Throw away damaged items, take out the rest and shake them out.
  3. If possible, leave them in the sun or frost. This is a guarantee that the surviving individuals will die. Moth in any of its phases of development does not tolerate low temperatures and exposure to sunlight.
  4. Wash shelves and mezzanines with soap or vinegar and dry. You can pre-treat them with a moth spray.
  5. Fold things back into the closet, shifting bags of mothballs.

Balls consumption: 1 pack per 1 large cabinet. Don't forget to put them in every shoebox and between layers of rolled carpet.

In order to prevent the appearance of moths, the balls are placed on the top shelf, in pockets, cap lapels, packed bags and coolies with things. Evaporating, naphthalene mixes with air, slowly sinks down and penetrates into all distant corners.

Not all people can tolerate its specific smell. An alternative would be lavender-scented mothballs, which are considered safer for humans.

Additional measures: enhancing the effect of the balls

To combat harmful moths, it is not enough just to use moth balls. It is necessary to carry out sanitary works in time, such as:

  1. Regular inspection of warm clothes, which will identify the problem at an early stage.
  2. Sending clean and dry things for storage, incl. shoes.
  3. Packing winter clothes in plastic or paper bags, inside of which there will be naphthalene from moths. From above, the coolies are sealed with a special tape or adhesive tape.

Before wearing, winter clothes should be hung out in the sun or in a draft for 2-3 days to weather the unpleasant odor.

3 popular remedies with naphthalene from moths

In the fight against moths, aerosols containing repellent and insecticidal substances have proven themselves well. They can process fabric, fur and leather products without harming them. Shake the cans before use. Sprayed at a distance of 20-30 cm from the surface.

  1. «Armol". The aerosol is based on permethrin, which has a detrimental effect on insects.
    Popular remedies for moths.

    Popular remedies for moths.

    Has a pleasant lavender scent. Efficiency lasts up to 6 months. One can of 140 ml is enough for 2 treatments of the entire wardrobe. You can spray on the bed, curtains, carpets. Also available in plate form.

  2. «Extramit". Analogue of "Armol" on the active substance. Has high efficiency. Release form - cans of 150 ml. The term of anti-mole action is up to 6 months.
  3. «Raptor". Powerful anti-moth weapon based on tetramethrin and permethrin. They can poison both adults and larvae. It has a neuroparalytic and contact-intestinal effect on insects. It has a pungent smell, in which lemon notes are captured. Leaves no traces. The capacity of the can is 235 ml. After processing, the room must be left for a while. Keeps effect up to 12 months. Raptor plates have a similar effect.

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