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What cockroaches look like: domestic pests and pets

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Pets bring joy. All sorts of cats, dogs, rodents and even spiders. But not cockroaches. Domestic cockroaches are unpleasant neighbors that can cause harm.

General description of domestic cockroaches

Synatropic species are called domestic, which often settle near people. Among them are different in shape, size and color.

They cause harm by their existence - they spoil and infect food, leave excrement and carry diseases.

The appearance of cockroaches in the house

Cockroaches are looking for places where they will live comfortably and always have enough food. So they choose people as neighbors. There are several ways cockroaches appear:

  • entered through cracks, windows or doors;
    Domestic cockroaches.

    Invasion of cockroaches.

  • moved from neighbors through ventilation;
  • came out of the garbage chute;
  • brought from the street on clothes;
  • arrived in suitcases from a trip.

Where do domestic cockroaches live?

The place where the parasites live should be protected from pests and people, with enough food and water. They choose for life:

  1. Appliances.
    Have you encountered cockroaches in your home?
    Yes No
  2. Kitchen cabinets.
  3. Places under skirting boards.
  4. Holes in the walls.
  5. Near trash cans.
  6. Under the sinks.

They will suit places where there will always be access to water and food. At the same time, they like a comfortable temperature in order to actively breed and grow quickly.

Harm from domestic cockroaches

Photo of cockroaches.

Cockroach in the house.

Cockroaches themselves are one of the most resilient animal species. They can survive 15 times more intense radiation than humans. Their flattened body is covered with a dense chitinous shell, which is not so easy to crush. Exactly a man with slippers is drawn as the main enemy of a cockroach, because you can’t slam him with your bare hands.

Many species have wings, but they do not use them fully, but only for gliding when jumping. But many jump very actively, and the legs of a number of species are designed almost for marathon races. They do significant damage.

  • carry a number of diseases (diphtheria, helminthiasis, tuberculosis, hepatitis);
  • contaminate food with excrement;
  • molt, leaving the body, which is often the cause of allergies;
  • an unpleasant neighborhood is annoying even by its fact, they climb around the apartment and rustle.

What types of cockroaches become domestic

In total, there are more than 4,5 tons of species in the world. But among them, only a few are pests that love to live near people.

How to get rid of cockroaches in the house

In order to prevent domestic scavengers from settling next to people, it is necessary to ensure the cleanliness, tightness of the products, the absence of crumbs and deposits of garbage. But even under these conditions, sometimes animals still come to people.

If appeared in the dwelling one beetlethen he is a spy. By slamming it, you can ensure order, but it is better to use a number of repellents that will make human housing uncomfortable for cockroaches.
In the event that animals already a lot, traps or chemicals are used. They guarantee death, but require the right approach and accuracy, and may be unsafe for people.

Domestic cockroaches that live with people on purpose

It happens that cockroaches are not domesticated on their own, but people breed them on purpose. They are an excellent source of protein, which is why they are grown specifically to feed spiders, reptiles, amphibians, and birds. They are unpretentious in content, easily and quickly multiply.

It is also called the African or mute cockroach. It is grown not only for food, but also as a pet. He has a calm disposition and an unusual demeanor. And the runaway individual does not breed in the basement or under the bathroom.
Turkmen is considered one of the easiest to breed and unpretentious species. In nature, they are already found infrequently, in some places only on the territory of Azerbaijan. They look like with a transition, from light to dark brown.
Another species that often lives in humans. They love sweet and semi-sweet fruits. It is valued for its character - they do not move on vertical surfaces, climb slowly and do not jump. The species is viviparous and reproduces rapidly.


Domestic cockroaches are not a specific species, but several lovers to settle down with people in search of food and comfortable shelter. But a person is not happy with such neighbors, but tries in every possible way to influence in order to destroy them. Although among the large cockroach family there are those that people deliberately start and some of which do not harm.

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