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Argentine cockroaches (Blaptica dubia): pest and food

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Among different species of insects, Argentine cockroaches are distinguished by an interesting ability to bear children, larvae emerge from eggs inside the female, and then emerge into the world. This species can be an unpretentious pet.

What does the Argentine cockroach look like: photo

Description of the species

Name: Argentine cockroach
Latin: Blaptica dubia

Class: Insects - Insecta
Cockroaches - Blattodea

Habitats:forest floor in the tropics
Dangerous for:does not pose a threat
Attitude towards people:grown for food
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Argentine cockroaches or baptica dubia, insects that grow 4-4,5 cm long. They are dark brown or black in color with red stripes that can be seen in bright light. The color of cockroaches in different colonies may vary, and depends on the environment and nutrition.

Argentine cockroaches do not tolerate excessive moisture, and replenish water supplies from succulent foods, vegetables or fruits. They do not fly, do not climb smooth vertical surfaces, and move very slowly.

Flight abilities

У males wings and an elongated body are well developed, in females the wings are in their infancy and their body is round.
Males can fly, but rarely do so. They can plan, control the speed of flight. females don't fly at all.


Argentine cockroaches.

Argentine cockroach: pair.

An adult female mates once in her life. Offspring can lead 2-3 per year. A fertilized female produces offspring after 28 days, in the ootheca, there may be 20-35 eggs, from which larvae or nymphs appear, about 2 mm long. Under favorable conditions, the female can produce offspring every month.

In a stressful situation, she can reset the ootheca and the offspring dies. Larvae mature in 4-6 months and go through 7 stages of molting. Adults live for about 2 years.


The Argentine cockroach is found in Central and South America, Brazil, Argentina and South Africa.

Argentine cockroach Blaptica Dubia. Maintenance and breeding


Cockroaches need food with a high moisture content to feed. They consume bread, cereal-based dry pet food, fish food, and small rodent food. Prefer to eat:

You need to be careful not to give a large amount of protein, because it causes gout and eventually death. But its deficiency will also have a negative effect - it can cause cannibalism.

Cultivation of Argentine cockroaches

This type of cockroach is grown for feeding tarantulas, reptiles and amphibians. They love warmth, dryness and cleanliness. But in nature, they lead a burrowing lifestyle, so you need to use a suitable substrate.

Argentine cockroaches: photo.

Breeding Argentine cockroaches.

Breeding and keeping Argentine cockroaches is easy. They move slowly, almost do not fly, do not make any sounds and are very prolific.

In the terrarium where cockroaches are kept, there should be a large bottom area; cells from under the eggs are used as additional shelter. They are kept at a temperature of +29 +30 degrees and humidity not higher than 70 percent.

A sufficient amount of moisture is very important for normal development. At a low level, there will be problems with molting. Equally important is eating juicy fruits to ensure you get enough water.

In some states of the USA and Canada, it is illegal to carry Argentine cockroaches by law.

Use of Argentine cockroaches as feed

Due to the slowness of these animals, they have a lot of natural enemies in nature. They feed on reptiles and many birds. They have less rigid skin than other cockroaches.

They are bred specifically to feed tarantulas, reptiles, hedgehogs, exotic mammals and amphibians. They are significantly more nutritious than crickets. They are used even by professional breeders.

These pets can be called exotic and even unusual. They look beautiful, by the standards of the animals of this family, glossy, dark, with spots.


Argentine cockroaches are ovoviviparous, the larvae from the eggs hatch inside the female. This type of cockroach is bred to be used as food for tarantulas, reptiles and amphibians.

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