Shchitovka on a lemon: how to protect citrus fruits from pests

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Growing lemons at home on the windowsill is quite real. This representative of the citrus genus is unpretentious and easy to care for. However, quite often the owners of lemon trees are faced with the appearance on the leaves and shoots of a dangerous pest - scale insects.

Signs of the appearance of a scab on a lemon

The scale insect is a very small insect and it is difficult to notice it without a thorough examination of the plant. Therefore, it is very important to monitor the general condition of the lemon tree and regularly inspect it for infection. The following signs can indicate the defeat of a plant with a scutellum:

  • the appearance of brown marks on lemon leaves;
    Shield on a lemon.

    Shield on a lemon.

  • the presence of many small, translucent scales on the trunk, branches and leaves;
  • covering leaves and branches with a sticky, transparent substance;
  • slowing down the growth and overall development of the lemon tree.

What is dangerous scale on a lemon tree

Despite the fact that the scale insect is a very small insect, it can cause serious damage to the plant. The appearance of this pest on a lemon can lead to the following consequences:

  • stopping the growth of the tree and reducing its immunity;
  • yellowing and falling leaves;
  • infection of a tree with a sooty fungus;
  • dying and drying of branches;
  • complete death of the plant.

Causes of the appearance of scale insects on a lemon

Although lemon trees are most often grown in the home or greenhouse, the scale insect is a frequent visitor to this plant. The causes of lemon infection with this pest can be:

  • bouquets left next to the lemon, flower pots or fruits infected with a scab;
    Shield on a lemon.

    Shield close-up.

  • increased level of humidity;
  • use of contaminated soil for transplantation;
  • lack of regular ventilation of the room;
  • penetration into the house of stray larvae through an open window.

Methods for dealing with scale insects on a lemon

As soon as the first signs of damage by the scale insect were noticed on the lemon tree, it is necessary to immediately begin to fight the pest.

Mechanical method

If the degree of damage is small, you can manually clean the leaves and shoots of lemon from dangerous pests. To do this, you can use a toothbrush or cotton pad, soak them in an alcohol-containing liquid and carefully treat the infected parts of the plant.


Treatment with specialized chemicals does a good job of killing the larvae. The most effective drugs for the fight against scale insects are:

Have you grown a lemon?
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  • Aktellik;
  • Aktara;
  • Fitoverm.

Traditional recipes

Many gardeners are opposed to the use of chemicals for plant treatment and prefer natural folk remedies. Among the many recipes for dealing with scale insects, the most attention should be paid to the following:

  • aqueous solution with the addition of laundry soap and kerosene;
  • infusion of hot pepper, onion or garlic;
  • infusion using shag or tobacco.
Scale on Ponderosa lemon. Citrus in the house and much more. other

Prevention of the appearance of scale insects on a lemon tree

Among the large number of pests that infect lemons, scale insects are among the most dangerous. To eliminate the risk of infection of the plant, you should follow a few useful tips:


Scale attack is one of the most common problems on a lemon tree. This pest is not at all easy to detect and at the same time it poses a serious threat to the health and life of the plant. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly inspect lemon twigs and leaves for infection and adhere to the above recommendations for preventing the appearance of a pest.

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