How flies are born: reproduction and development scheme of unpleasant winged neighbors

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The vital activity of most species of zokotuh is inextricably linked with a person and his housing. These parasites can rightfully be called the most annoying. But if you know the stages of development of houseflies and how they reproduce, getting rid of them will be much easier.

The main types of flies and their habitat

In total, there are about 3,5 thousand varieties of these pests in the world. The following are the most common.

Average lifespan of flies

The life of a zokotukha is short, its term can vary from 10 to 60 days. The main influence on the duration of the life cycle is exerted by the temperature regime. The insect does not tolerate low temperatures, however, some individuals manage to survive the winter if they find a warm shelter. The optimum temperature for pests is 18-25 degrees.

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How flies reproduce

Flying pests are extremely prolific. In one season, females and males are able to produce a huge number of offspring, and if a larva appeared from each egg laid, then insects would have flooded the earth long ago.

The structure of the genital organs of insects

Pests have pronounced sexual dimorphism. The reproductive system of the male fly consists of accessory glands, testes, and ducts. In female insects - eggs.

Reproduction of flies in nature and in the house

The breeding process of flies does not depend on environmental conditions: they do it the same way at home and in natural conditions. However, the number of surviving offspring differs. In nature, the brood is exposed to greater danger: wild animals, birds, adverse weather conditions and lack of food. At home, the chance to survive is greater, however, even there the offspring are in danger: a person tries to destroy pests at all stages of his development.

The main differences between a young and fertilized individual

A fertilized female can be distinguished by the shape of the body: the abdomen of the insect is very elastic, and after mating changes shape, becoming more convex. In young individuals, the abdomen is elongated and narrow.

The development of the common fly: the main stages

In the course of their life, insects go through a development cycle with a complete transformation. Its main steps are described below.

egg laying

The fly lays its eggs almost immediately after mating. Driven by maternal instinct, she carefully looks for a suitable place for masonry - it must have enough food for offspring. To do this, the insect uses a special organ of smell, and, having found the desired area, feels it with its proboscis to make sure that it really fits. The external features of the eggs depend on the type of insect, but most often they look like rice grains - an elongated oblong shape, 1-2 mm long, off-white.

Where do flies lay their eggs

The choice of oviposition site depends on the parasite species. There are varieties that lay eggs on festering wounds, under the skin of animals and humans.

However, most species choose the following locations:

  • animal and human waste products;
  • garbage, sewer pits, garbage cans;
  • rotting wood;
  • organic remains, carrion;
  • rotting fruits and vegetables;
  • meat and fish.
How many eggs does a fly layThe average number of eggs in one clutch is 100-150 pieces, however, it may vary depending on the species of insect. During their life, females lay 500-2000 eggs.
egg development processIn the egg laid by the female, the future larva immediately begins to develop. This is due to the presence of yolk inside the egg - a special nutrient substance. The egg develops within 8-24 hours. By the end of this period, the larva is fully formed: it becomes large and acquires an oblong shape.

Larval development

For humans, the larva is disgusting - it is a small slimy white worm with a black head. Having got out of the egg, the maggot immediately begins to absorb food, due to which its development is rapid. As a rule, the insect feeds by burrowing into a suitable substance. Her oral apparatus is not able to absorb solid food, so the nutrient substrate must be liquid. The development stage lasts up to 3 days. During this time, the maggot significantly increases in size and changes color to a darker one.

Maggot nutrition

Fly larvae are not picky in food. Their diet most often consists of the following products:

  • rotten meat and fish;
  • products of vital activity of humans and animals;
  • rotting vegetables and fruits;
  • human food.

They do not have a digestive system as such, so digestion takes place outside the body. To do this, the insect injects a special aggressive secret into the food, capable of decomposing any organic material, and then absorbs the liquefied food.

fly chrysalis

After the end of the development stage, the maggot pupa pupates: its protective shell hardens and forms a puparia - a special protective case. Inside it, a complete transformation of the insect takes place: organs and tissues disintegrate and the organs of an adult insect are formed. Some species of flies survive the winter as a chrysalis.

Are there viviparous species of flies

In nature, there are varieties that give birth to live larvae. With this type of development, the maggot appears from the egg from the body of the female.

These types include:

  • tsetse fly;
  • Wolfart fly;
  • gray drop fly.

At the same time, it is not necessary that the larva that is born is immediately ready to move to the pupal stage - in some cases, the insect develops for several weeks, and then pupates.

Favorable conditions for the development of flies

The optimal conditions for the development of maggots are high temperature - + 30-37 degrees and humidity 60-70%. Under such conditions, the larva goes through all the molts and pupates in 3-4 days.

What happens to the fly in autumn

As a rule, with the end of the summer period, the life of the fly also ends. 90% of the fly population dies already at the end of August. Some insects are more lucky - they hibernate pupating or finding a warm shelter in human habitation. Also, some insects manage to fly away to places with more favorable conditions, while they are able to overcome distances of up to 20 km.

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