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How many eyes does a fly have and what are they capable of: 100 frames per second - true or myth

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Many could observe that it is very difficult to catch a clatter - it immediately flies away, no matter from which side to sneak up on it. The answer lies in the fact that the eyes of the fly have a unique structure.

How are the eyes of a fly

The visual organs of the insect are large in size - they are disproportionately larger than its body. Also with the naked eye you can see that they have a convex shape and are located on the sides of the head.

When viewed under a microscope, it becomes clear that the visual organs of an insect consist of many regular hexagons - facets.

How many eyes do flies have

Males and females each have 2 large compound eyes. In females, they are located more widely than in males. In addition, females and males also have 3 additional, non-faceted eyes. They are located on the midline of the forehead and are used for additional vision, for example, when you need to see an object up close. Thus, the parasite has 5 eyes in total.

What does a fly's eye look like under a microscope?

What is the meaning of compound eyes

The fly's eye consists of approximately 3,5 thousand components - facets. The essence of faceted vision is that each of the small details captures only a small component of the picture of the surrounding world and transmits this information to the insect's brain, which collects the entire mosaic together.

Under a microscope, the fly's visual organs look like a honeycomb or a mosaic consisting of many small elements of the correct hexagonal shape.

Fly eye blink rate: how many frames per second a fly sees

The ability of parasites to instantly respond to danger aroused the scientific interest of researchers. It turned out that this ability is associated with the frequency of flicker, which is able to perceive her organ of vision. A fly can perceive about 250 frames per second, while a person is only 60. This means that all movements that a person perceives as fast seem slow to an insect.

Why is it so hard to catch a fly

The above explains why a winged insect is almost impossible to take by surprise. In addition, the clue is in how the flies see. Her eyes have a high viewing radius - each organ of vision provides a 180-degree view, so it sees almost 360 degrees, that is, everything that happens around, which provides it with one hundred percent all-round visual defense. Also, the pest has a high reaction rate and is able to instantly take off.

Fly vision: how an insect sees the world around

In addition to the above, insect vision has other features. They are able to distinguish ultraviolet light, but do not distinguish colors or see familiar objects in other color shades. At the same time, flies almost do not see in the dark, so at night they prefer to hide in shelters and sleep.
Parasites are able to perceive well only objects of small size and in motion. And, for example, a person is perceived by them as one of the parts of the room in which it is located.

The insect will not notice the approaching human figure, but will instantly react to the hand that swings at it.

Insect eyes and IT technologies

Knowledge of the structure of the fly organ allowed scientists to assemble a facet chamber - it is unique and can be used in video surveillance, as well as in the creation of computer equipment. The device consists of 180 facet cameras, consisting of small photo lenses equipped with special sensors. Each camera captures a certain fragment of the picture, which is transmitted to the processor. It forms a complete, panoramic picture.

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