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On which side of the anthill are insects located: discovering the secrets of navigation

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Fans of forest hikes know firsthand how important it is to be able to correctly navigate in space. The easiest and most reliable way to determine the cardinal points is a compass, but such a device is not always at hand. But, nature took care of travelers and left clues everywhere that you just need to learn how to read correctly. One such clue is ant nests.

On which side of the tree do ants build their nests?

The location of anthills is one of the main landmarks for lost people in the forest.

Even from the school bench, children are taught that the tree trunks are covered with moss on the north side, and ant houses are being built to the south of them.

Therefore, a characteristic mound found near a tree or an old stump can tell in which direction it is worth moving.

Why do ants build their houses on the south side

Like many other insects, ants are very fond of warmth and arrange their homes in such a way that they get as much sunlight as possible.

If the anthill is built on the north side, then it will be hidden from the sun in the shade of the crown and trunk of the tree, which will prevent the creation of favorable conditions inside it.

For this reason, ants always build their homes closer to the south of the trunk of the nearest tree.

How else with the help of an anthill to determine the cardinal points

Ants very often make their homes in clearings in the middle of the forest, and this makes it difficult to determine the south side. Such anthills are located too far from the trees, but they can also help to orient in space. To do this, pay attention to the slopes.
On the north side, the slope of the anthill will be noticeably steeper than on the south. This is also due to the thermophilicity of insects. They equip all their entrances and exits to the anthill on the south side, and for ease of movement they make this slope more gentle.


Ants are very well organized insects and they always build their homes based on the same principles. The nests of these workers are almost always located on the south side, but in order to correctly determine the landmark, it is still worth looking around and also paying attention to other clues.

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