Myrmecophilia is a relationship between an aphid and an ant.

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Ants are amazing creatures. These insects live in numerous colonies that work together as one large and well-coordinated mechanism. Their way of life and the internal structure of the anthill are so developed that even bees can envy them in this, and one of the most incredible abilities of ants, their “cattle breeding” skills are rightfully considered.

What is the relationship between aphids and ants

Ants and aphids have been living and interacting for many years on favorable terms for both parties. Scientists have known about their life together for a long time. Inside their homes, insects equip special rooms for aphids, and among the working individuals there are even shepherds responsible for grazing and protecting insects. In science, this type of relationship between different species is called symbiosis.

Why do ants breed aphids?

As you know, ants are one of the most developed social insects and we can say that they breed aphids to get "sweets".

In the process of life, aphids secrete a special sticky substance that has a sweetish taste. This substance is called honeydew or honeydew, and ants simply adore it.

According to some scientists, receiving honeydew is not the only reason why ants breed aphids. Insects can also use it as a source of protein food to feed their larvae.

Ants milk aphids. Ants milking the aphids

How do ants take care of aphids?

The benefits of such a relationship for ants are obvious, but for aphids there are also advantages of such friendship. Aphid is a small insect that is completely defenseless against many of its natural enemies, such as:

Ants in this situation act as fierce defenders of aphids, and take care of the life and health of their wards.


The symbiosis of living organisms in nature is quite common, but the relationship between the ant family and aphids stands out noticeably from the rest. Despite their tiny and underdeveloped brains, ants behave like real farmers. They graze herds of aphids, protect natural enemies from attack, “milk” them, and even equip separate special chambers for keeping “cattle” inside their anthills. Such a complex organization of the process can be considered a huge achievement for these tiny creatures.

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