Dangerous nomad ants: what species to avoid

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In nature, there are a huge number of unusual insects. Ants can be called tiny workers who are admired and surprised by people. Nomadic species differ in their behavior from their relatives. They are characterized by constant migration.

The behavior of army ants

Ants are nomads.

Army ants.

Insects move in columns. Within 1 hour they overcome from 0,1 to 0,3 km. The width of the column at first is about 15 m. Gradually, the narrowing and formation of the tail occurs. The length of the tail can reach 45 m. The columns move at a speed of 20 meters / hour, but they can stop for the night and even parking.

They move during the day, sweeping away all obstacles. Ants are a danger to humans and animals. The bite is painful. Perhaps the appearance of an allergic reaction, as well as anaphylactic shock.

Description of army ants

The colony has 22 million ants. The largest is the uterus. Its size reaches 5 cm. This is a record among relatives. Queens produce many individuals. As a result, the colony is constantly replenished. Instead of dead insects, young representatives appear. 2 subspecies are prone to migration - Dorylinae (legionnaires) and Ecitoninae (nomadic).

УстройствоAlong the edge of the column are ant soldiers in charge of security. Inside the column are placed working individuals involved in dragging the future offspring and food.
Overnight stayCloser to the night, they are engaged in the creation of a nest of working individuals. Usually its diameter is 1 m. Thus, a nest is created for the queen and her offspring.
Migration phaseAnts migrate within a few days. Then they begin a sedentary lifestyle. The duration of this phase is from 1 to 3 months.
ReproductionThe uterus is capable of laying from 100 to 300 thousand eggs during this period. By the end of the stage, larvae appear, and adult insects appear in the previous offspring.
Movement againAfter that, the column starts moving. During the pupation period, they have the next stop. The uterus lives from 10 to 15 years. The rest of the ants - up to 2 years. Under artificial conditions, life expectancy is about 4 years.

Types of army ants

These species are among the most common and dangerous varieties.


Insects prefer tropical and subtropical climates. In addition to the African continent, they live in North and South America, as well as in South and Central Asia.

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Diet of army ants

The favorite delicacy of insects is wasps, bees, termites. The diet consists of various insects, snakes, bird nests, small invertebrates, amphibians. The ant plunges into the prey and injects a toxic poisonous substance.

Insects move slowly. In this regard, weak and wounded animals can be caught. African nomads eat carrion of small and large animals.

Enemies of army ants

A praying mantis can attack a dangerous ant. However, ants are able to give a worthy rebuff.

At the sight of the enemy, the ant itself attacks him and injects poison. In the event of the death of an ant, the rest of the relatives gather together and defend themselves.

The death of the praying mantis after such resistance is guaranteed. Collective organization ensures the safety of insects.

ANTS AGAINST mantis, mole cricket, bees, wasps and other insects. Ants are slave owners!

Army ants and people

Representatives of nomads bring benefits and harm to people.

Interesting Facts

Some fascinating facts about army ants:

  • insects are considered the most dangerous predators in Africa;
  • they often follow the trail of their brethren;
    Army ants.

    Movement of army ants.

  • they do not see, but they hear perfectly;
  • the queen has no privileges. She is engaged in breeding offspring;
  • when a column of dangerous insects appears in Central Africa, people leave their homes and abandon their livestock;
  • when ants approach the prison, prisoners who are not convicted of murder can be released.


Army ants are excellent orderlies. They are able to destroy pests on agricultural plantations. People should be wary of insect bites due to the increased toxicity of the poison. And in case of an attack by ants, you should go to the hospital.

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