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Do ants bite: a threat from small insects

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Ants are small insects that seem to be unable to harm humans. Having settled in a person's dwelling, they spoil food, furniture, spread pathogenic microbes, but also bite their owners.

Why do ants bite

Usually ants bite, protecting themselves or their home from enemies. Ants that have appeared indoors move quickly in search of food. They can climb a person and bite, feeling burning pain, blisters can be found at the bite site.

Being in nature, it is important not to forget about precautions, although poisonous ants are not found on the territory of Russia, the bites of forest ants are very painful and can lead to unpleasant consequences.

Ant sting

Although these insects are small, they have strong jaws and snap like a trap.

In the body of an ant, a special acid is produced for the processing of food; when bitten, this acid enters the human body. After a bite, a burning pain is felt, severe itching, the bite site turns red and swells. These symptoms usually go away in a day or two.
In people prone to allergies, after a bite, the following symptoms may appear: itching, redness, shortness of breath, increased heartbeat. With such symptoms, you need to consult a doctor and take antihistamines.
An infection can get into the wound after an ant bite, and therefore the bite site must be immediately treated with available means, it can be alcohol-containing liquids, washed with water and laundry soap, hydrogen peroxide.
If within a short time the bite site is very swollen, and other unpleasant symptoms appear, you need to seek medical help. For children, ant stings can be dangerous. It is especially dangerous if formic acid gets on the mucous membranes or in the eyes.

Safety measures

When ants are found indoors. We need to start fighting them right away. To destroy ants, there are many folk remedies, as well as chemicals.

Being in nature, you need to pay attention to whether there is an anthill nearby. Also follow the safety precautions:

  • choose closed clothes and shoes;
  • do not use cosmetics with a strong odor;
  • keep products in tightly closed containers;
  • do not stir up an anthill.

Dangerous species of ants


Although ants are small insects, they can harm humans. When in nature, it is important to take precautions to avoid their bites. If these insects have settled indoors, try to get rid of them, because they are harmful and their bites can be dangerous.

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