Black ants in the house and in the garden: nutrition and lifestyle of pests

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The black garden ant is the most common ant species on the planet. In Russia, this is a common inhabitant of gardens, which brings a lot of damage. Insects can cause damage to building structures and leave holes by moving the ground.

Description of garden ants

MalesThe size of males is from 3,7 to 4,2 mm. Coloration dark brown or black. Males have wings. The females are the same color. The body is 7 to 9,5 mm long. The chest is wider than the head.
WorkersWorking individuals reach 4 mm. They don't have wings. The body is dark in color with a brownish-red chest. Eggs are white. The size of the eggs is from 0,1 to 0,8 mm. The cover is thin and soft.
LarvaeThe length of the larvae is from 0,2 to 0,5 mm. The body is oval in shape. Color whitish or yellowish. The body consists of 3 thoracic and 10 abdominal segments. The larvae lack eyes. The first quarter of the body is hook-shaped.

Life cycle of garden ants

Before mating, the provision of workers with food is stopped.

Individuals before mating

Male and female individuals with wings live in the nest for up to 30 days. Then they fly out of the nest and mate. The males die. The female nibbles her wings and forms a new family.


Wingless fertilized young females can be found in the big city and on the sidewalk. The female lays eggs in a secluded place - in the chamber. The embryonic development of eggs is affected by temperature. This process takes at least a week. In winter, eggs do not develop.

The appearance of the larvae

The larvae have 5 instars. They are cared for by worker ants. The pupation process takes 10 to 14 days. In July, the first working individuals appear. The queen takes care of the offspring herself. It feeds on its own fat accumulations and wing muscles.

Habitat of garden ants

The black garden ant can be found in any country in America, Asia and Europe. Habitats - parks, gardens, forests, houses. In houses, places of shelter are wall cracks, plinths, window sills.

Diet of garden ants

Insects prefer nectar, aphids, juice of fruits and berries. They can eat honey in the hives. A variety of foodstuffs are consumed in living quarters.

Harm from garden ants

Ants cause significant damage. They damage the leaves of agricultural plants, scrape off the epidermis. They pose a threat to flower plants in the flower bed and in the apartment. Insects also carry various infectious diseases. They can damage food and eat honey.


To prevent the appearance of black garden ants, you must:

  • observe the rules of personal hygiene and sanitary standards;
  • timely remove various food waste and garbage.
How to get rid of ants in the garden. Garden World site


Small insects are frequent guests in the gardens. In some cases, they can settle in a residential area. When insects appear, it is necessary to begin immediately the fight against them.


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