Black garden ants: how to prevent the appearance in the house

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Meeting with ants in an apartment or house is not the most pleasant situation for people. Small insects cause a feeling of psychological discomfort, and can also carry infections. When black ants appear in a residential area, you need to get rid of them.

Description of black ants

Type and size

The body color is completely black. The uterus is about 1 cm long. Males reach 5,5 mm, and worker ants - 5 mm. Young females maximum 4,5 mm. Young females have wings. The size of an ant is affected by the class category.

The colony

The ant colony consists of working individuals, males and a queen. The queen lives only in the nest. Worker ants collect and deliver food to the anthill. The uterus produces offspring.

Building a nest

After fertilization is over, the female can leave her home and start building a new nest. The life expectancy of the uterus reaches 28 years, and the male - 30 days. Worker ants live for a maximum of 3 years.

Black ant diet

Black ants love honeydew, the sweet liquid secreted by aphids. Insects breed aphids and move it along with them. In apartments, ants eat any food that is freely available. It can even be splashes of grease and crumbs. They prefer sugar, fruits, syrup.

Reasons for the appearance of black ants

Inhabitants of nature can move into people's houses. The main reasons for the appearance of pests include:

  • penetration from attics and through the ventilation shaft;
  • enough food and nutrition;
  • active struggle of neighbors - ants are looking for new places in this case;
  • comfortable warm temperature in living quarters;
  • the possibility of penetration through the window of flying individuals;
  • lack of regular cleaning.

Methods of dealing with black ants

When ants appear in a private house, you can coat the foundation with creosote from the outside. In this case, the pests will not get inside.

However, the most important goal is the elimination of the uterus. With the destruction of any number of individuals, the colony will be replenished all the time. First you need to find a nest. Nesting sites - cracks in walls, plinths, wallpaper, floors. Watching insects, you can find their home.

Prevention of the appearance of ants in the house

To prevent ants from appearing, you need to keep order and make the dwelling unusable. Preventive measures include:

  • maintaining cleanliness in the kitchen;
  • careful packaging of cereals;
  • washing dishes;
  • timely removal of garbage;
  • control over hermetic ceilings and walls.


To get rid of black ants, you have to make a lot of effort. When pests appear, several methods can be used simultaneously to speed up the elimination of unwanted neighbors. Preventive measures must be carried out regularly to prevent pests from entering the home.

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