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Types of rodents: bright representatives of a huge family

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Rodents are a detachment of mammals, which is the most extensive and richest. Among them are semi-aquatic, terrestrial and underground, well-floating and arboreal.

Features of rodents

Types of rodents.

Rodents: variety of species.

Some members of the species are synatropes and often live close to humans. Distinctive features of the whole species are incisors, which are constantly growing and require grinding.

Further, depending on the characteristics of nutrition and lifestyle, the shape of the body changes, although common signs can be traced. Most representatives of the species have small paws and ears, the correct proportions of the body and thick, short fur.

Adaptability to lifestyle may deviate slightly from this rule.

flying squirrels

Arboreal animals have a leathery fold on their sides, which helps them move around.


In the desert, the rodent must quickly run away from predators, therefore it is endowed with long legs.


Spines instead of soft fur - protection from predators.

mole rats

Their eyes are reduced, because the animal is active underground, where it relies on other senses.

Nutrition and reproduction

In nutrition, there are two preferences: it is plant food or the lifestyle of a predator. Depending on the species, habits, place of residence, and even the time of the genus, some species can change their habits if necessary.

Rodents reproduce by different strategies:

Some types mice, for example, they are very prolific and several times a season give birth to about 10 absolutely helpless children, and a lot of time passes until they grow up.
There are those who give birth once a year to a cub, in rare cases two, but they are fully developed, with the characteristics and habits of adults. These are cavy, for example.
But hares - an exception. They combine great fertility and maturity. In the litter, all the kids are already adapted to life and look like their adults.

Rodents: benefit or harm

For humans, this species is of great importance. And there are both advantages and disadvantages.

  • skins are valuable fur;
  • tasty meat;
  • participants in medical experiments;
  • Pets.
  • agricultural pests;
  • unwanted guests in the house;
  • disease carriers.

Rodents: photos and names

Rodents are a very large detachment, including various species. Here are some common families.

SquirrelFur-bearing animals, often vegetarians, occupy a vast territory. They also include ground squirrels, flying squirrels, chipmunks, marmots.
beaverPowerful semi-aquatic animals with a "steering wheel" in the form of a tail. Settled near reservoirs in colonies, are valuable fur-bearing animals. This is a river and Canadian beaver.
mouseSmall animals living in forests and forest-steppe. These are steppe, forest, Caucasian and long-tailed mice.
SlepyshovyeFully adapted to the underground way of life, harming agriculture. There are two types: common and giant mole rats.
HamstersA large family with a colorful difference - the cheeks in which they carry food. These are common, gray or Djungarian hamsters and zokors.
VolesA whole subfamily, a cross between mouse-like and hamster-like. Small, nimble and inconspicuous pests. Red, flat-headed, water and common voles.
gerbilsInhabitants of arid places, sources of mass diseases and troubles. Large, midday and Mongolian are found on the territory of the Russian Federation.
MouseThis includes some species of rats and mice. They are small, nimble, happy to become neighbors to people. This pasyuk, black rat, house mouse, field and baby.


The group of rodents is huge. It includes voracious pests and pets. Some bright species inhabit only the fields, others swim well and coexist with other animals.

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