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Giant mole rat and its features: difference from a mole

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If almost everyone knows about moles, then only experienced gardeners and gardeners have heard about mole rats. These mysterious animals cause serious damage to plants and it can be quite difficult to drive him off the site.

Name: Common, South Russian and small-eyed mole rat
Latin: Spalax microphthalmus

Class: Mammals - Mammalia
Rodents - Rodentia
Mole rats - Spalacidae

Dangerous for:roots, bulbs and rhizomes
Description:year-round active animal with a large appetite.

Description and photo of the animal mole rat

Mole rats are small animals of the order of rodents. Their lifestyle is similar to moles, but outwardly they have significant differences.

Appearance of the animal

Adults can weigh up to 700 grams or more. The body of the animal reaches a length of 20-32 cm and has an oblong, cylindrical shape. The fur is thick, short, painted in a pale-gray-brown color.

The neck is weakly expressed. The legs are very short. The tail is not developed and is hidden under the skin. The head is the widest part of the animal's body and has a flattened shape. The animal has no auricles, and the eyes are hidden under the skin. The incisors are pronounced and grow over the lips.

Have you seen a blind man?
Yes No

Mole rat lifestyle

Blind beast.

A mole rat on the surface of the earth is a rare occurrence.

Animals spend almost their entire lives underground. The burrow system of this animal is very well branched and has two tiers. The so-called "feeding passage" is the longest and is located at a depth of 20-25 cm. The dwelling of the mole rat is equipped with summer and winter nests, as well as food stores.

Unlike moles, mole rats make their way with the help of incisors. From the soil, which the animal pushes out, characteristic mounds are formed - “mole rats”. The diameter of such "mole rats" can reach 50 cm. The total length of the moves made by one rodent can be up to 450 m.

Mole rats do not fall into hibernation and therefore procure large stocks of food. Stocks for the winter of one such rodent can reach 14 kg in weight.

What does the animal eat

The diet of mole rats consists mainly of plant foods. The animal feeds on bulbs, tubers and rhizomes of various plants. Sometimes a rodent can feast on young stems and leaves, which it drags underground by grabbing a rhizome.

Among the winter stocks of the animal you can find acorns, onions, potatoes and beets.



An enemy in a fur coat.

Mole rats usually live in groups of 2-3 individuals, including one male and 1-2 females. If there is more than one female in the family, then they bring offspring in turn.

Cubs are born in the spring. Around the same time, the male leaves the female who has given birth and goes to the one that will bring offspring next year.

In one offspring, 2-3 cubs appear. Young females begin to move away from their mother in the first year after birth. They settle mainly closer to the surface, so they often die before they reach two years of age. Mortality among young males is much lower, because they move out from their mother only in the second year and settle underground.

The average life expectancy of mole rats in the wild is 2,5-4 years. Some specimens can live up to 9 years.

Mole rat habitat

The habitat of mole rats includes the steppe, forest-steppe, semi-deserts and deserts. Most often, the animal is found in the steppe and flat areas. Since mole rats feed mainly on plant foods, they happily settle in grassy meadows and clearings. In rare cases, mole rats can be found on the outskirts of forests.

In choosing soil, rodents prefer moderate density.
In clay and sandy soils, the mole rat most likely will not linger for a long time.
Animals also do not particularly like salt marshes and wet areas.
Is the mole the same mole?

No, this is a misconception. Animals are different, although they have a similar lifestyle.

Do blind rats bite?

Yes, and very strongly. But he does not attack himself, but only in case of self-defense. He has not developed vision at all and in case of danger he attacks everyone and everything, focusing only on hearing.

How likely is it to meet?

Although the population is quite large, the mole rat is unlikely to be encountered. If it accidentally hits the surface, it freezes, listening and orienting, then moves back to get into its mink.

What harm do mole rats cause to a person

Mole rats that settle near human lands cause a lot of inconvenience and serious problems. Main harm from the presence of rodents on the site the following:

  • violation of the aesthetic appearance of park areas;
  • damage to various crops in fields and hayfields;
  • destruction of plants in gardens and orchards;
  • destruction of flower beds.

How to deal with a pest

A mole rat is a rodent whose habits are very similar to a mole. They are often even confused, due to similar nutritional preferences. The fight against mole rats is carried out by the same methods as with moles. For more information about them, follow the links below to the articles of the portal.

Plants are a safe way to protect an area from moles and other rodents.
Mole traps allow you to catch the pest quickly and easily.
The greenhouse requires protection from moles, they are comfortable there at any time.
Proven methods of dealing with moles on the site. Fast and efficient.


Mole rats cause a lot of problems to a person, but despite this, their presence can also be beneficial. These rodents play an important role in the enrichment and diversity of soil composition and vegetation, and some of their species are even listed in the Red Book.

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