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What does rat droppings look like and how to properly destroy it

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If there are rats in the house, shed or basement, they will do great harm. But in their habitats, litter remains, which is dangerous to human health. It is important to know what rat feces look like and how to dispose of it so that you do not become infected from it.

What does rat poop look like?

Rats are mostly nocturnal and leave behind litter in small piles. Feces are spindle-shaped, grayish in color, ranging in size from 10 to 20 mm. Rats produce up to 40 litters per day.

By the presence of feces, one can judge how many individuals live in the room and how old they are. If the detected feces are of different sizes, then rodents of different ages, young individuals and adults.

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What is dangerous rat droppings

Rats carry many infectious diseases, many of which are fatal. A person can become infected with hantavirus by inhaling it from rat droppings. Faeces contain various kinds of bacteria and viruses and can get into food, flour, cereals, sugar and use such products is dangerous to health.

Read also the article: What diseases do rats carry?.

How to remove and dispose of litter

Rodents in their places of residence must be destroyed, then traces of their vital activity must be removed. There are a few basic rules how to remove rat droppings, no matter where it is, in an apartment, basement, barn:

  1. Cleaning should be done with a protective mask and gloves.
  2. Do not sweep or vacuum to avoid raising dust.
  3. Spray the faeces with a 10% bleach solution and leave for 5-10 minutes.
  4. Collect with a paper towel, fold into a plastic bag and close it tightly.
  5. Treat the place where the litter was with a 10% bleach solution or a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution.
  6. Throw away gloves and mask.
  7. Wash hands and face thoroughly with hot water and soap and treat with an antiseptic.

Collected bags with rat droppings should be thrown into a trash can or a place inaccessible to animals and birds.


If rats are wound up, you need to destroy them as soon as possible and remove the litter and dispose of it. Compliance with simple rules will help remove litter with minimal risk to health.

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