How long does a rat live: domestic and wild

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Different animals have their own lifespan, and rats do not have a long lifespan. If we are talking about a pest, then we want him to live as little as possible, and if we are talking about our pet, then we want him to live longer. Before you start an animal, you need to know how many years rats live.


Ordinary gray rats are very prolific, they breed in the warm season. At the age of 3-4 months, the females mature and are ready to breed. But mostly at the age of one year they bring offspring. With age, the fertility of females increases.

After giving birth, after 18 hours, they can again mate and bear offspring, while feeding their brood.
One female has 2-3 broods of 8-10 cubs. And if they live in heated warehouses, then there can be 8-10 broods per season.
Pregnancy in rats lasts 22-24 days, and in lactating - 34 days. Babies are born weighing 4-6 grams, their eyes open after two weeks, they become independent after 3-4 weeks. 

How long do rats live

The lifespan of animals depends on the conditions in which they live.

common wild rat

Gray rat.

Gray rat.

In nature, rats can live up to 3 years, but few individuals survive to this age. Only 95% of pests live up to 1,5 years, this is the average life of wild animals.

Young animals often die at an early age. It becomes the prey of large predators, birds, and domestic dogs and cats hunt rats. Pests are destroyed by people, as they do harm.

decorative rat

Decorative rat rex.

Decorative rat rex.

Decorative rats are bred in the laboratory and differ from their wild relatives. They are calm, not aggressive towards people, thanks to the constant selection of individuals with the necessary qualities, from which they produce offspring.

But once back in the wild, after a few generations, their behavior may differ little from their wild relatives.

The life span of decorative rats is 2-3 years and depends on the conditions of detention. But they are susceptible to many respiratory diseases, as well as various kinds of tumors, which shortens their lifespan.

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Harm to humans

Many people are wary of rats. And for good reason, because they can bring a lot of harm and trouble.

wild rats

How many years do rats live.

Gray rat: dangerous neighbor.

Rats cause great harm when they enter food storage areas. They can damage various structures, devices, insulation of electrical cables. They sneak into houses, live in trash cans.

Animals are carriers of various dangerous infectious diseases, such as plague, rabies and several types of encephalitis.

Often wild species of rats come to vegetable gardens and garden plots in search of food. They spoil people's stocks, make their own from grains and root crops. In times of famine, they eat the bark and roots of trees.

Decorative rats

How many years do domestic rats live.

Decorative rat.

It must be remembered that rats are rodents, and if an animal living in an apartment is allowed to roam indoors, it can ruin the cable, gnaw on documents, and ruin furniture. Even while walking, it is important to keep an eye on the rodent so that it does not cause harm.

Rats can mark the territory with their scent, and it is also worth walking them under supervision so that there are no surprises.

We advise you to read: interesting facts about ratsWith. You certainly didn't know that.


The lifespan of rats of different types depends on many factors, their type and lifestyle. But even under ideal conditions, they do not live more than 3 years, whether they are ordinary wild rats or their decorative relatives.

How many years do rats live? 🐀

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