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Huge rat: photo of giant representatives

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The rat genus is one of the most numerous among rodents and has at least 64 different species. Representatives of this genus are most often small, but there are several fairly large species. In view of this, the question arises: which rat is the largest?

What types of rats are considered the largest

Rats belong to the mouse family, but are significantly larger than mice. The body weight of most rodents of this genus is 100-300 grams, and the body length does not exceed 15 cm. However, there are specimens whose length can reach more than 90-100 cm, including the tail. The largest species of rats in the world are recognized:

  • black rat. Their body length is about 20-22 cm, and the tail length is about 28 cm.
  • Turkestan rat. The body and tail of a rodent are approximately the same length - and in general can reach 50 cm.
  • Musk kangaroo or Chainfoot. The trunk can reach 35 cm in length. The tail is much shorter - only 12 cm.
  • gray large or Pasyuk. The length of the body, taking into account the tail, is about 60 cm, while the tail is about half as long as the body.
  • Potor. The body of the rodent reaches a length of about 41 cm, and the tail is 32 cm.
  • Bamboo. The body length of the animal is as much as 48 cm, and the tail is only 15 cm long.
  • Reed. About 60 cm is the length of their body, and about 26 cm is the length of the tail.
  • Kangaroo. The total length of the body and tail of the rodent is about 95 cm. The tail is shorter than the body by about 10-15 cm.
  • Papuan. The body length of the largest specimen found is 130 cm, including the tail. The tail is three times shorter than the body.

What kind of rat is the largest of all

The largest member of this family is Woolly rat Bosavi or Papuan rat. Animals of this species were first discovered in 2009 in Papua New Guinea.

Rat Bosavi.

Biggest rat: Bosavi.

Rodents reach 80-100 cm in length and have a body weight of about 1,5 kg. According to some reports, individual specimens of this species can reach a weight of 15 kg and have a length of up to 130 cm. Outwardly, Bosavi are very similar to ordinary basement rats, but look like giants against their background.

The animals do not show any aggression towards humans at all and absolutely calmly allow themselves to be picked up or stroked. Scientists justify such peaceful behavior of rodents by the fact that their habitat is completely cut off from civilization.

Bosavi were found only in the crater of a volcano in Papua New Guinea.

The largest types of ornamental rats

Decorative rats are most often small in size, but among them there are quite large species. The largest breeds of ornamental rats are:

  • Brown rat. Animals of this species can weigh about 400-600 grams, and their body length is usually 16-20 cm;
  • Standard. The body weight of this rodent can reach 500 grams. The length of the body and tail in general is 50 cm;
  • Decorative gray rat. The weight of such animals also reaches 500 grams, and the body length can be about 60 cm, including the tail;
  • Black decorative rat. The weight of this rat is about 400-500 grams. The body length is approximately 22 cm, and the tail is 28 cm;
  • Dumbo. The mass of an adult rat reaches 400 grams. The length of the body, excluding the tail, is approximately 20 cm.
Is it safe to keep rats at home?

Properly selected decorative breeds - yes. But they also need proper care and upbringing.

How long does a decorative rat live?

The life span of decorative rats is 2-3 years and depends on the conditions of detention.

Interesting facts about the largest types of rats

About 1000 years ago, East Timor was inhabited by huge rats, the size of which was about 10 times the size of the current representatives of this genus. The remains of these giant rodents were found by archaeologists relatively recently. Scientists claim that their body weight could be about 5 kg and these are the largest representatives of the mouse family that have ever existed on the planet.

Chainfoot or musky kangaroo is a very interesting animal. His appearance is a cross between a rat and a kangaroo. The animals exude a musk scent, and the females of this species carry their cubs in bags, like kangaroos.

The kangaroo rat got its name for a reason. The body of a rodent is very similar in structure to the body of a kangaroo. The animal has well-developed hind legs and moves with the help of jumps.


Representatives of the genus of rats most often cause disgust in people, and at the mention of giant rats, reaching 100 cm in length, some are simply horrified. However, most often the largest species of the mouse family are not at all as scary as it seemed. These animals have much less contact with a person and practically do not show aggression towards him, and some species even bring great benefits to people.

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