4 ways to deal with moles effectively

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The appearance of small mounds on the site should be a cause for alarm for gardeners. They mean the appearance of a mole - a digger pest, which poses a great threat to plant roots. Prevention tools and guidance on how to remove an animal from the site are presented in this article.

Mole: acquaintance

The mole is a representative of mammals, the leader of a whole family of moles. It feeds on larvae, mollusks and worms. The rodent is active around the clock and all year round, constantly eating or getting food.

Ever seen a live mole?
Was the caseNever

Pests are very active, constantly taking care of their labyrinths, checking them. If a wall or passage is blocked, he will definitely rebuild everything - such a pedant.

close acquaintance help to recognize the enemy in person.

How to recognize the appearance of moles

The first thing that will help make sure that a mole appears on the site is a mole, if you deign to appear. But this is most often already at a late stage, at first you can notice a decrease in insects, worms and larvae.

A visual sign of the appearance of a mole underground - corresponding mounds, molehills. These are mountains of soil on the surface that interfere with the construction of housing for the animal.

How to destroy a mole

To determine the measure of the struggle, you need to know the characteristics of the character and lifestyle.


The mole does not do stupid things, does not hurry, hears and smells well. He doesn't eat everything.


The rodent is absurd and gloomy loner. It drives out or kills other moles, a person can be bitten in case of self-defense.


Moles love their homes and burrows, have a measured route and lifestyle, which allows you to lure or track down a mole.

Prevention is more important

One excellent mole prevention measure is special mesh. It is thought out even at the design stage of the site, laying vertically or horizontally.

Biological methods - plants in the areathat the mole does not like, for example, hazel grouse flowers. They exude an unpleasant odor that will not allow the animal to settle on the site.

Humane Methods

One safe way to evict moles from yards is to repeller. This is an instrument that irritates the animal with its sound or vibration and forces it to leave the area.

Manual catch - a good way, but not always reliable. If you catch a mole and deport it to a decent distance, but leave it alive, it can easily return back.

Not humane, but verified

Mole poison works for sure, but there are nuances here too. It must be used and placed correctly, because the mole himself is quite cunning and does not eat what he does not know.

Two drugs gained popularity: gas tablets Alfos, that with their unpleasant smell they drive animals out of the site and Dakfosal Antikrot, the smell of which suffocates pests.

Traps and mole traps is an efficient and effective method. They help to catch the pest. But whether he remains alive or dead is a matter of modifying the trap.

Interesting facts about Moles


There are many ways to get rid of moles. Some of the gardeners prefer to evict them from the site, frightening them with something. Others like the prospect of killing an animal in order to hold an event once, but for sure.

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Interesting FactsHow long do moles live?

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