Pigeon mite: a vicious parasite that can harm feathered pets and their owners

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There are several thousand varieties of parasites in the world. Some of them most often attack animals and birds, but under certain conditions they can also attack a person, enter his home and cause a lot of problems. These pests include the pigeon mite, which, despite its name, parasitizes not only on pigeons.

Description of the pigeon mite

As mentioned above, pigeon mites affect not only pigeons. Sparrows, swallows, domestic birds become their victims. At any stage of development, these insects are dangerous for humans.

Appearance and structure

Outwardly, pests are similar to ordinary ticks. Adults reach a size of 4-10 mm. Depending on the degree of saturation, the parasite can change color from light brown to bright scarlet. A distinctive external feature is the presence of a bright strip on the back. Also, the insect also has features of the anatomical structure - large processes resembling a mustache and eyes (they are absent in ticks of other species).

Life cycle and reproduction

The life cycle of pigeon ticks includes several stages of development:

For the reproduction of the female, it is necessary to get enough blood. After that, she leaves the body of the owner and goes in search of a secluded place for laying eggs. Most often this happens in the crevices, burrows of dovecotes and poultry houses. At one time, the female is able to lay 30-70 eggs.

Lifestyle and habitat

The activity of pigeon ticks increases significantly at night. The insect crawls out of the hiding place, makes its way through the plumage to the skin of the bird, pierces it and begins to drink blood. Nymphs choose unfeathered chicks as victims - their skin is more delicate, so it is much easier to pierce it.

Several nymphs can attack one chick at once. After laying, female ticks do not die, but continue to parasitize. At any stage of development, pigeon ticks are dangerous to humans.

Other parasites affecting pigeons

In addition to ticks, there are several more groups of parasites that attack pigeons:

  • fleas;
  • lice;
  • Bugs;
  • blood-sucking flies.

In addition, a variety of worms can settle in the intestines of a bird. Such invasions have a negative impact on the health of birds: they poison the body with toxins and take away vitality.

Signs of bird infection

Feathered tick infestation can be recognized by the following signs:

  • slowing down the development of young animals;
  • decreased appetite;
  • loss of plumage;
  • inflammation of the mucous membranes.
Have you been breeding pigeons?
Of course!No...

Why is a tick dangerous for feathered carriers

The presence of 1-2 parasites is not dangerous for the victim, but if the bird is attacked by a larger number of parasites, this can cause its death. Tick ​​bites cause discomfort to birds, cause pain and itching.

The bird combs the bite sites, which often causes secondary infection. Ticks multiply rapidly, as a rule, their infection is massive, often the only possible option is to destroy the entire poultry population.

Is the bird parasite dangerous for pets and humans?

The main danger to animals and humans is not the parasite bite itself (although the bite of the pigeon tick is more painful than other species), and possible infection with serious diseases carried by ticks.
If the pest has bitten in the face or neck area, "Tick paralysis" may occur: severe swelling forms at the site of the bite. In addition, the saliva of the parasite can cause a severe allergic reaction, up to Quincke's edema.

Pigeon ticks carry encephalitis and salmonellosis. These diseases are dangerous with serious complications in which the nervous and digestive systems are affected. Lack of therapy leads to disability, and in severe cases, to death.

How and where can you get infected

Flying pigeons spread parasites. Thus, a blood-sucking insect can get on a person or the territory where he or poultry lives. Also, infection of domestic birds is possible if they intersect with pigeons, wild birds use the domestic bath.

Pigeon tick control methods

The control of pests carried by pigeons must be comprehensive. Getting rid of these parasites is not easy - adults can live in the house for several years, constantly laying larvae.

It is advisable to treat birds if the infection has not become widespread. To eliminate parasites, bird feathers are wiped with a cotton swab dipped in denatured alcohol; you can also use the Chinese Dust preparation.
To treat the poultry house, insecticidal preparations are used: they need to be treated with perches. Dolmatov chamomile powder, insecticidal aerosols can be used to treat nests. It is also recommended to treat the house with blowtorch fire where possible.
If the apartment is located on the top floor of the house or there are nesting places for birds nearby, the risk of parasites entering the apartment increases significantly. First of all, it is necessary to eliminate the source - nests, dovecotes. In the apartment, it is necessary to spray special antibacterial preparations in places where ticks can hide. If the case is running, you will have to get rid of the old coatings in the apartment (wallpaper, linoleum, laminate, etc.) and replace them with new ones.

Prevention of the appearance of parasites

The fight against pigeon mites is a long and laborious process. To minimize the risk of these pests, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • minimize contact with pigeons, do not feed them out of hand, especially in the warm season;
  • exclude contact of poultry with pigeons;
  • if pigeons live in the attic in the house, you need to protect the home as much as possible: repair all cracks, carry out preventive treatment with special means.
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