What to put on your skin to prevent fleas from biting you

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Due to the fact that many people keep pets, such as cats and dogs, which can walk and come into contact with stray animals, the problem of fleas inside residential premises becomes very urgent. The bites of these insects are painful and dangerous because, unlike house bugs, fleas can carry serious viruses. The bite site is extremely itchy and causes long-term discomfort.

Penetrating into the house, fleas can move on to other pets, and also settle on the surface of the carpet and in various hard-to-reach places where entire colonies develop. As a result, living in an apartment, especially with small children, becomes almost impossible and unbearable.

How to understand that there are fleas in the house and where to look for them

The first and most noticeable sign of fleas is regular bites and itching on the surface of the skin. Externally, bites may resemble mosquito bites, but if they occur in winter, this becomes a cause for concern, and it is important to carefully check all potential habitats of these unpleasant neighbors.

If you have a dog that walks regularly, then it is likely to be a source of fleas in your home. Fleas first bite their host, in this case your pet. If the animal is constantly itching and small wounds appear on the skin, this becomes a cause for concern. If you find at least one flea in your pet's fur, you must immediately take measures to combat these insects.

Even if you don't have pets, if you regularly experience painful bites on your legs and arms, check the furry surfaces. Carefully check carpets, furniture, pillows, blankets and the surface of your clothing. Fleas can get caught in the lint and stay in place for a long time, avoiding moving across bare floors, which is uncomfortable for them.

Why are fleas dangerous?

Many people are too careless about the appearance of fleas and are not proactive enough in the fight against them. However, such an attitude to the problem is a serious mistake, especially if there are children in the family.

Here are a few reasons why you should be wary of fleas:

  1. Quick: The flea bite causes severe and prolonged itching. If measures are not taken to alleviate this itching, serious consequences from scratching can occur, especially in children who are not always able to control their actions. Due to lower immunity in children, the risk of infection from outside increases.
  2. Risk of infection: Fleas feed on blood, and although they do not always live long on one host, they can easily carry various microorganisms such as plague, hepatitis and typhus, biting several victims during their lifetime.
  3. Declining standard of living: Constant itching and flea bites can disrupt sleep, leading to a decrease in quality of life. Constant fatigue, irritation and itching can affect performance and overall physical and mental well-being. A decrease in immunity makes a person more vulnerable to various diseases.

How to treat fleas at home

Even if you don’t have access to expensive store-bought products, you can get rid of fleas at home by treating your apartment, which won’t take much time.

Here are several methods on how to get rid of fleas in the house:

  1. Mixture of salt and soda: Mix salt and soda in equal proportions (1:1), add a little water to activate the reaction. Sprinkle this mixture over all possible flea habitats, such as carpets and furniture. Leave for 1-2 days, then vacuum and wash with water. If necessary, use laundry soap for additional processing.
  2. Sticky ammonia: Dilute 10-15 drops of ammonia in a bucket of water and wash the floors throughout the apartment. Fleas cannot tolerate bright odors, so this treatment will force them to quickly leave their habitat. Repeat the procedure after 1-2 weeks for maximum effect.
  3. Essential oils of plants: Place a few drops of lavender or peppermint essential oil in the corners of your apartment. This method is similar to using ammonia, but it is pleasant for humans. Repeat the procedure after one and two weeks to confirm the results. Fleas do not tolerate long stays in places with rich plant aromas. Repeated processing will consolidate the effect.

10 ways to relieve itching from a flea bite on the surface of the skin

  1. Hydrocortisone: This ointment is effective, but should be used with caution, especially if you have skin problems. It is not recommended to use hydrocortisone in children under 2 years of age and pregnant women without a doctor's prescription due to possible adverse reactions.
  2. Hydrogen peroxide: Treat the wound immediately after the bite. Stored in the refrigerator, hydrogen peroxide will cool the bite area and relieve itching.
  3. Chamomile decoction: An excellent anti-inflammatory remedy that can be used by rubbing flea bites with chamomile decoction or applying a compress.
  4. Green tea: It acts similarly to chamomile and helps in its absence.
  5. Fenistil: The gel used for insect bites cools the affected area.
  6. Iodine or brilliant green: Available means that cauterize the bite site, disinfect it and prevent inflammation.
  7. Tea tree oil: Effective as a repellent and for treating bites.
  8. Ice: Completely cools the affected areas, reducing itching. Use with caution if you have sensitive skin or dermatological conditions.
  9. Elidel: An ointment similar to Fenistil, intended for the treatment of dermatitis in children and adults.
  10. Advantan: Hormonal ointment similar to hydrocortisone. Use with extreme caution.

To enhance the effect of each remedy, it is recommended to take an antiallergic drug.

How to Treat Flea Bites: Quick Relief and Strategies to Soothe Your Skin | The Guardians Choice


How to repel fleas?

Fleas pose quite a danger to humans, as their bites can cause serious illness. Therefore, it is important to get rid of fleas at the first sign and take effective measures.

Because fleas rely on their sense of smell when searching for potential prey, they respond to a variety of odors. Insects leave the room if there are aromas of plants or their essential oils. Mint, wormwood and lavender are examples of such plants.

Fleas also react negatively to treating an apartment with ammonia, which makes them want to move away.

How to protect yourself from flea bites?

If you have animals, treat them with special products during the warm season. These preparations are safe for animals and are quickly absorbed without lingering on the fur. You can wash your pets within a few days after treatment.

If you do not have animals, but there is a risk of fleas from your neighbors, it is recommended to regularly wash your floors using ammonia or rubbing alcohol.

How does a flea bite occur?

Fleas are aggressive blood suckers that leave noticeable marks on the skin. The bites cause redness and severe itching. Regular scratching can lead to irritation and sores, which is especially dangerous for children.

In rare cases, swelling of the limb after a bite is possible, which requires contacting a specialist. Flea bites can sometimes be associated with dangerous medical conditions, and in such cases it is important to get medical help.

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