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Carrot psyllid: a small pest of a large area

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There is an expression "small, but remote." This expression is appropriate to apply even to the smallest pests. Such is the carrot psyllid - a small insect that will easily destroy a large crop.

What does a carrot leaflet look like: photo

Description of the pest

Name: Carrot blotch
Latin: Trioza viridula

Class: Insects - Insecta
Hemiptera - Hemiptera

Habitats:garden, vegetable garden, greenhouse
Dangerous for:carrots, cruciferous
Means of destruction:agricultural technology, folk methods

Carrot psyllid is a pest of cruciferous and umbrella plants. An insect up to 2 mm in size, green-whitish in color with red eyes and transparent wings.

CorpuscleThe shape is elongated, at the end of the ovipositor, several segments.
HeadNoticeably separated, eyes and long antennae are highlighted.
LimbsTwo pairs of wings and three pairs of legs, on the back there are 3-4 jumping processes.
EggsOblong, white, turn yellow over time. With a small stem at the end.
LarvaeIrregular shape, with pronounced segments at the top and bottom.

insect development


In the spring, the emergence of the imago begins. They actively mate and females lay eggs. There can be about 40 of them per day, and in a lifetime a female can lay 800 eggs.


After 2 weeks, nymphs appear from eggs, larvae that cause maximum harm. For about 30 days they actively feed on the juice of the foliage on which they settle.


When the weather starts to deteriorate, pests move to their wintering grounds. These are forest edges or gardens. There, under the warm bark or in the carrion, they equip the place. They do not tolerate low temperatures well.

Distribution and preferences

The carrot psyllid is distributed throughout Europe, in Japan, Mongolia, and the Caucasus. She does not like humidity, so she is practically not found in Primorye.

All generations of insects cause harm - larvae, adults and even eggs, due to which the leaf plate is damaged. Insect preferred:

  • carrot;
  • parsnip;
  • celery;
  • parsley.

How to deal with carrot leafworm

Carrot leaflet.

Carrot damaged by a pest.

It is necessary to move on to the fight against insects as soon as it is discovered. Otherwise, the vegetative parts and fruits will be affected. Damage symptoms are:

  • twisted leaves;
  • lagging behind in the development of the plant;
  • defective root crop;
  • wrong consistency.

There are three main methods of struggle: folk, chemical and agrotechnical.

Agrotechnical methods

These are simple ways to help protect plantings. They can also be called a kind of preventive measures.

  1. When planting, you need to keep a distance and fight weeds.
  2. Separate umbrella plants from conifers.

Folk methods

There are many ways to protect plantings from carrot psyllids using folk methods. Here are the most effective ones.

Tincture of tops of a young tomato or potato. A bucket of water needs a kilogram of raw crushed raw materials. Leave for XNUMX hours and spray in the morning or evening.
The same scheme and quantity for another drug - tobacco or shag. It is poured with hot water, before use, add grated laundry soap.
Table salt also works well against insects. For 10 liters of water you need 1 cup. The mixture must be sprayed with high quality on both sides of the shoots and greens.


Insecticides are applied only at the beginning of the season. At least 30 days before harvest, otherwise poison will remain in the roots. Of those offered on the market, it is best to use:

  • Aktellik;
  • Boreas;
  • Vantex;
  • You decide.

It is strictly forbidden to use chemistry on greens!

Preventive measures

Prevention is the key to good health. It includes simple work in the garden and garden:

  1. Choosing the Right Neighbors. Umbelliferae and conifers should keep a distance from each other.
  2. The soil must be properly fertilized and loosened, free from weeds.
  3. Timely protection of other plants will help keep the entire garden clean.
7_How to deal with carrot pests. ALL ABOUT GROWING CARROTS


Carrot psyllid is a small pest that can significantly harm cruciferous plants. Deformation of fruits will spoil their appearance and taste, and wounding of greenery will disrupt the normal development of the plant.

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