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Root aphid: measures to combat the hidden enemy

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Aphids are most often seen on the leaves and flowers of plants. It feeds on plant sap, twisting shoots and spoiling inflorescences. She settles on various vegetable crops and fruit trees. But there is a separate species that is often underestimated - the root aphid.

What aphids look like on plant roots

Description of the pest

Name: root aphid
Latin: Pemphigus fuscicornis

Class: Insects - Insecta
Homoptera - homoptera
family: Pemphigi - Pemphigidae

Habitats:Europe, Caucasus, Ukraine, North America, Temperate RF
Features:affects root crops
Harm:a threat underground and in vegetable stores
Beet root aphid.

Beet root aphid.

Svetlichnaya root aphid is a subspecies of a pest that lives precisely on the roots of root crops. It feeds on plant sap, infects the fruit and reduces yield.

Grape aphids, respectively, eat the roots and vine of grapes. There is a subspecies that eats carrots or indoor flowers. Despite the different places of deployment, the methods of struggle will be the same for everyone.

There is also a situation where the root aphid - not some separate type of pest, as you might think. These are wingless individuals that migrate from above-ground parts to the roots of other plants. A common example of this is aphids from the foliage of trees to the roots of plums or currants.

Root aphids are often confused with other pests: fruit mosquitoes, sciarids and root scale insects. But these are completely different types of pest with the same location.

Stages of root aphid development

Like other types of pests, root aphids go through several life stages:

  • eggs;
  • founder of the colony;
  • wingless virgin;
  • larvae of the first age;
  • strips;
  • wingless males and females.


hibernate females almost everywhere: in the roots of trees and weeds, on roadsides and under bark. They can winter deep in the ground, at a depth of up to 50 cm.
With the onset of heat women individuals lay larvae, vagrants, which actively feed and settle on the surface.
Larvae of the first age are already actively settling and feeding. Polonoski, an aphid with wings, already reproduces offspring.

All stages of development occur very quickly, one after another, pests replace each other. They are found on beets, roses, fuchsia grapes, bulbous plants.

Signs of damage to plants by root aphids:

  • lag in plant growth;
    Root aphid: photo.

    Aphids and ants on the ground.

  • yellowing of the vegetative system;
  • fetal deformity;
  • small swarming midges.

Methods of struggle

It is more difficult to deal with root aphids than with above-ground forms, due to their location. It is necessary to start with a visual inspection for damage and proper care during the season. Important:

  1. clean up plant debris in the fall.
  2. In the spring, disinfect the seeds.
  3. Choose the right place.
  4. Before planting in the holes, add wood ash.
  5. Timely watering.

The rest of the procedures and preparations are standard. In the article 26 proven remedies for aphids you can choose the right one.


Root aphid is a very dangerous enemy. It settles in the roots of many plants, so it is not immediately noticeable. The fight against it must be carried out quickly and comprehensively in order to protect the crop.

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