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Schute Pines

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Pine eruption

PINE SCHUTTE (Lophodermium spp.)


Pine eruption

A fungus that causes the greatest losses in coniferous crops up to 6-10 years. First, small sharp spots (yellow-brown) appear on the needles (beginning of summer). At the end of autumn, infected needles turn brown and fall to the ground, then become covered with longitudinal dots (fruiting bodies of the fungus) and transverse lines (yellow transverse lines covering the entire circumference of the needles, then turn black - especially after the needles die and fall off). In severe cases of the disease, plants exhibit weak shoot growth, and newly emerging needles on spring growth are underdeveloped and deformed.

Host plants

Pine eruption

Various species of pine, spruce, fir, Douglas fir, yew.

Control methods

Pine eruption

Removing fallen needles from under trees is one of the main preventive measures, since they are a source of fungal spores. If we have dwarf pine varieties, it is worth removing the drying needles directly from the plants. To minimize the risk of disease, it is worth ensuring appropriate distance between plants. It is advisable not to plant pines directly next to each other. It is better if they are located next to other plant species that are not susceptible to this disease. Spraying will also provide protection against the disease, but in this case remember that in addition to the plants, you also need to spray the pine needles and the ground around the trees. An effective drug is Amistar 250SC. In the fight against pine rash, it is also worth using the natural drug Biosept Active.


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